Heinrich Lippert

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Heinrich Lorenz Wilhelm Lippert (born June 16, 1882 in Magdeburg , † June 16, 1943 in Berlin-Schmargendorf ) was a German ministerial official and association functionary.


Heinrich Lippert graduated from high school in 1900 at Kloster Unser Lieben Frauen in Magdeburg and then studied law at the universities of Freiburg, Berlin and Halle. In 1901 he became a member of the Corps Rhenania Freiburg . After the legal traineeship in 1905 and the doctorate to Dr. jur. he passed the court assessor exam in 1909. He then went on a study trip to India, East Asia and North America. From 1914 to 1916 he was second state commissioner at the Berlin stock exchange . In the years from 1916 to 1918 he took part in the First World War. In 1917 he was appointed government councilor and in 1919 lecturing council in the Reich Ministry of Finance . In 1921 he was appointed State Commissioner at the Berlin Stock Exchange and at the same time Ministerialrat in the Prussian Ministry of Trade and Industry. From 1925 to 1928 he was Prussia's deputy representative to the Reichsrat . In 1928 Lippert became a managing presidential member of the Reich Association of Private Insurance in Berlin, which he had a lasting influence on until his departure in October 1937. He was a member of the Provisional Reich Economic Council and a member of the supervisory board of the Lower Silesian Mining Company .


  • Iron Cross 2nd class
  • Silesian eagle 2nd class
  • Appointment to the secret government council, 1919


  • The alternative authorization of the creditor in German civil rights , 1906
  • Hand edition on stock exchange legislation , 1929
  • The foreign exchange regulations for the insurance industry , 1932 (together with Erdmann Gambke)
  • The new foreign exchange regulations, with special consideration of the regulations for the insurance industry , 1935 (together with Wilhelm Rentrop and Erdmann Gambke)
  • German insurance industry: A training u. Reference work in lesson letters , (together with Rudolf Lencer and Paul Riebesell)


  • Lippert, Heinrich. In: Robert Volz: Reich manual of the German society . The handbook of personalities in words and pictures. Volume 2: L-Z. Deutscher Wirtschaftsverlag, Berlin 1931, DNB 453960294 , p. 1136.
  • Jans J. Ehler: The Reich Association of Private Insurance - A Chronicle of Events and Developments , 2009

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Birth register of the StA Magdeburg-Altstadt, No. 1725/1882
  2. Death register StA Wilmersdorf of Berlin, No. 1966/1943
  3. Kösener Corpslisten 1960, 35 , 679