Heinrich Randad

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Heinrich Randad (born January 17, 1855 in Hamburg , † April 10, 1938 in Hamburg) was a German businessman. In the 1880s he was chief representative of the Hamburg trading company Wölber & Brohm in Klein-Popo .

On July 6, 1884, he was appointed by Reich Commissioner Gustav Nachtigal as provisional consul of the German protectorate established the day before on the Togo coast . However, Randad lacked the means to expand the colony , which at that time consisted of only a narrow strip of coast.

On September 5, 1884, Randad , who was appointed imperial consul with official residence in Lome , concluded a " protection treaty " with the chief Mensah of Agbodrafo (Portuguese: Porto Seguro ) .

In order to further develop its interests in this area, the German government sent the government assessor Ernst Falkenthal as Imperial Commissioner to Togo. There he arrived on June 26, 1885 and replaced Randad as administrator of the Protectorate.

Heinrich Randad and his wife Caroline Magdalene geb. Kahl (1870–1952) had seven children, including Ilse Thouret , who was very well known as a racing driver, athlete and sports journalist.

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Individual evidence

  1. Hamburg registry office 21b: death register . No. 79/1938.
  2. Togo. In: German Colonial Lexicon . 1920, Volume III, p. 497 ff.