Heinrich Wacker

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Heinrich Wacker (born January 18, 1887 in Aalen ; † August 24, 1970 in Saarbrücken ) was a German politician of the SPD and the SPS and the first president of the Saarland Chamber of Labor .


Wacker completed his apprenticeship as a toolmaker and then worked in this profession until he took part in the First World War from 1914 to 1917 . After the war he started as a foreman at the Schwinn company in Homburg . For this he moved to the Saar area , in 1923 he moved to Saarbrücken. From 1933 to 1935 he was chairman of the Free Volksbühne in Saarbrücken. In January 1935, Wacker emigrated to France . In 1943 he was arrested by the Gestapo and forcibly deployed in Bohemia and Silesia . In June 1945 he returned to the Saar area. On May 21, 1946 he was the founding company of the SPS party newspaper Die Volksstimme , in which he was involved until it was discontinued.

Wacker was married and had one child.

Politics and functions

In 1909 Wacker joined the German Metalworkers' Association and the SPD. After the war he joined the foremen's association, in 1922 he became its district manager in the Saar area, and held this position until it was brought into line in 1933. From 1928 to 1930 he was a member of the Saar Chamber of Labor in its second legislative period as a representative of the employees. In 1930 he became chairman of the General Free Employees' Association in the Saar district, and he also moved into the administrative council of the employee insurance and the Chamber of Labor. In 1932 he was elected to the state executive committee of the SPD and in 1933 to head of the Social Democratic Protection Association in Saarbrücken. He held these offices until he emigrated to France. After his return to Saarland in June 1945, he took part in the rebuilding of the trade unions. In October 1947 he was elected the first president of the unified trade union , a predecessor of the DGB in Saarland . He remained in this office until 1951, after which he was honorary president. In 1946 he was a founding member of the SPS, until 1953 he was a member of the party executive. In the state elections in 1947 he was elected to the Saarland state parliament and was a member of it for an electoral period until 1952. He was also a founding member of the Europa Union in Saarland in 1949 . In 1951 he was elected the first president of the Saarland Chamber of Labor, a position he held until 1957. From 1951 to 1955 he was also a member of the board of the Saarland Public Welfare Organization .

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