Heinrich Wilhelm Schaefer

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Heinrich Wilhelm Schaefer (born March 3, 1835 in Bremen , † March 31, 1892 in Flensburg ) was a German classical philologist and high school teacher.


The son of the full teacher at the secondary school in Bremen, Dr. After graduating from this school, Johann Wilhelm Schaefer (1808–1880) studied Classical Philology at the universities of Göttingen , Leipzig and Berlin from 1854 to 1859 . After completing his doctorate in Leipzig and the teaching examination in Berlin, he completed the probationary year at the Friedrichswerder Gymnasium in Berlin. From 1861 to 1862 he taught at a private school in Bremen. On October 20, 1862, Schaefer switched to the high school in Insterburg in East Prussia , which was converted from a Latin school to a high school with parallel real classes in 1860. In 1870 Schaefer moved to the grammar school in Flensburg, where he was appointed grammar school professor in 1873. He died on the night of March 30th to 31st, 1892 of complications from a stroke .

As a teacher and as a researcher, Schaefer combined philological and scientific interests. He has published studies on ancient cosmology , geography and alchemy as well as several articles for Pauly's Real Encyclopedia of Classical Antiquity (RE).

Fonts (selection)

  • Development of the views of antiquity about the shape and size of the earth . Insterburg 1868 (school program)
  • The astronomical geography of the Greeks up to Eratosthenes . Flensburg 1873 (school program)
  • The alchemy. Their Egyptian-Greek origin and their further historical development . Flensburg 1887 (school program). Reprint Wiesbaden 1967


  • Albert Müller : Speech in memory of Professor Dr. Schaefer, held April 2, 1892 . In: Annual report of the Royal High School and Realgymnasium Flensburg , No. 279. Flensburg 1893, pp. 3–7

Web links

Wikisource: Heinrich Wilhelm Schaefer  - Sources and full texts

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Johann Wilhelm Schäfer: Outline of the history of German literature . Bremen 1836. books.google