Heinrich Wilhelm Schäfer

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Heinrich Wilhelm Schäfer (* 1955 in Paderborn ) is professor of Protestant theology and sociology of religion at the Faculty of History, Philosophy and Theology and the Faculty of Sociology at Bielefeld University . He is a member and co-founder of the Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Religion and Society (CIRRuS) .


In 1983, 1985 and 1986 Schäfer conducted field studies on religious movements in the Central American civil wars (with a focus on the Pentecostal movement ) based on Bourdieu's sociology . From 1989 to 2006 he was pastor of the Evangelical Church of Westphalia . In 1991 he earned the title of Dr. theol. From 1992 to 1994 he was a lecturer for ecumenical theology at the Ruhr University in Bochum . Between 1995 and 2003 Schäfer taught systematic theology and social sciences (with a focus on religion) at the Universidad Biblica Latinoamericana (UBL) and religious and cultural studies at the Universidad Nacional in Costa Rica . In connection with his work at the UBL, he taught and researched in various countries in Latin America. a. in Brazil, Cuba, Mexico and Venezuela. Between 1998 and 2003 he was a member of an international working group on religion and globalization of the World Council of Churches , Château de Bossey , Geneva . In 2002 he acquired the title "Dr. phil. (Rer. Soc.)" ( Humboldt University , Berlin ) and completed his habilitation in the subject of systematic theology (Ruhr University Bochum) in the same year. From 2003 to 2006 he worked as a lecturer in religious studies at the University of Hanover . He has been a professor at Bielefeld University since 2006.


Since the early 1980s and a research project in the wars of Central America , Schäfer has been working on issues of religion, social inequality and violence from a social science perspective. Research focuses on religion under conditions of war and criminal violence in slums, especially in Latin America and Bosnia and Herzegovina . Another research focus since the late 1970s ( Iranian Revolution ) has been religious fundamentalism . In a new research project on the religious field and the political strategies of religious actors in Guatemala and Nicaragua , the transformation of religious practice in peripheral countries over the past 30 years is to be examined comparatively and from a diachronic perspective. The objective focus of these studies is on the Pentecostal movement . The theoretical and methodological focus is on Bourdieu's sociology. In particular, Schäfer has developed a method for habitus analysis which will shortly be published in a book in English. In theological terms, Schäfer's work focuses on interdisciplinary hermeneutics and pneumatology.

Research (selection)

  • Social differentiation and identity-politics of the Pentecostal movement in Guatemala and Nicaragua ( DFG , 2011–2013)
  • Collaboration in the research association Religion and Conflict (research center of the Evangelical Study Community, since 2007)
  • The ethos of religious peace builders in Bosnia-Herzegovina (DFG, 2008–2010)
  • World religions in the process of globalization (World Council of Churches, 1998–2002)
  • Fundamentalisms in the USA and Islamic countries (1992-2007)
  • More research on the website of the Center for the interdisciplinary research on religion and society (CIRRuS)

Publications (selection)

  • 2015. Habitus Analysis 1. Epistemology and Language . Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
  • 2015. Identity as a network. Habitus, social structure and religious mobilization [Identity as network. Habitus, social structure and religious mobilization]. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
  • 2013. Pombagira y el obispo: sobre identidades religiosas transnacionales: La Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus en Brasil y Mozambique [Pombagira and the bishop: about transnational religious identities: The Universal Church of the Kingdom of God in Brazil and Mozambique]. Form for inter-American research (fiar) 6 (1).
  • 2012. Art .: Protestantism. In The Latin America Lexicon , ed. Silke Hensel and Barbara Potthast, 274–277. Wuppertal: Peter Hammer Verlag.
  • 2010. Explaining Central American Pentecostalism within social inequality and conflict. On habitus-analysis as a clue to describe religious praxis. In Pentecostal Power: Expressions, Impact and Faith of Latin American Pentecostalism , ed. Calvin L. Smith, 137-156. Leiden / Boston: Brill.
  • 2009. Latin America - dynamics of the religious field. In What the World Believes: Analysis and Commentary on the Religion Monitor 2008 , ed. Bertelsmann Foundation, 463–485. Gütersloh: Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung.
  • 2009. The Pentecostal movement - social change and religious habitus. In What the World Believes: Analysis and Commentary on the Religion Monitor 2008 , ed. Bertelsmann Foundation, 533-585. Gütersloh: Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung.
  • 2008. Fundamentalismos, modernidades y tensiones políticas globales. Sobre la Religón políticamente movilizada [Fundamentalisms, modern spirits and global political tensions]. Estudos de Religião 35, 87-107. São Paulo: Metro Metodista.
  • 2008. Struggle of Fundamentalisms: Radical Christianity, Radical Islam and Europe's Modernity. [The Struggle of Fundamentalisms: Radical Christianity, Radical Islam, and Europe's Modern Spirit] Frankfurt a. M .: Publishing House of World Religions (Suhrkamp).
  • 2007. “We gonna bin laden them!” Reflections on a methodological-communitarian peace ethic [“We gonna bin laden them!” Considerations on a methodologic-communitarian ethics of peace]. Journal for Protestant Ethics 51 (3): 169–181.
  • 2005. Identity as a network: A theoretical draft using the example of religious movements in the Guatemalan civil war [Identity as network: A theoretical outline exemplified by religious movements in the Guatemalan civil war]. Berliner Journal für Soziologie 15 (2): 259–282.
  • 2004. Practice - Theology - Religion: Basics of a theology and theory of religion following Pierre Bourdieu . Frankfurt: Lembeck, 445 p. (Praxis - Theology - Religion. Outlines of a theory on theology and religion following Pierre Bourdieu).
  • 2004. The Janus face of religion: On the religious factor in new wars . Numeral 51 (4): 407-431.
  • 2004. "And because the human being is human ...": Intercultural ethics, religious identity and conflict . ["Because a human being is a human being….": Intercultural Ethics, Religious Identity, and Conflict]. Security and Peace 22 (3): 139–146.
  • 1992. Protestantismo y crisis social en América Central . [Protestantism and Social Crisis in Central America]. San José: Department of Ecumenical Investigations.
  • 1990. Church identity between repression and liberation: The Presbyterian Church in Guatemala. Studies from the World Alliance of Reformed Churches , 178. Geneva: World Alliance of Reformed Churches.

Web links

References and comments

  1. Website of the Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Religion and Society (CIRRuS)
  2. Biographical information from Schäfer's CV on the website of Bielefeld University (PDF; 200 kB)
  3. Information on Schäfer's research activities on the website of Bielefeld University (PDF; 212 kB)
  4. Information on Schäfer's research activities on the website of Bielefeld University (PDF; 212 kB)