Heinrich Wolff (medic, 1520)

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Heinrich Wolff , also written Wolf (born February 3, 1520 in Oettingen ; † December 21, 1581 in Nuremberg ) was a German doctor in Nuremberg.


Heinrich Wolff was born in 1520 as the son of Georg Wolf, town bailiff of Oettingen and from 1523 bailiff of the entire county, in Oettingen. His brother, four years older than him, was the humanist Hieronymus Wolf . Heinrich lost his mother as a child, who probably suffered from a hereditary mental illness and was admitted to an institution, where she lived for many years in a state of mental derangement. When he was ten, Heinrich Wolff was able to move to Nuremberg, where he attended Latin school and the Egidien grammar school. In 1536 he enrolled at the University of Tübingen , and after studying medicine, especially in Montpellier , he probably received his doctorate in Avignon around 1549 . After a stay in Strasbourg , he was employed as a city ​​doctor in Nuremberg in 1553 and held this position until his death.

Heinrich Wolff was a successful and sought-after doctor, he was not infrequently called by patients from abroad and also consulted by several princes. Since his student days he was engaged in alchemy . He owned some Paracelsus manuscripts , studied his findings and was in contact with leading Paracelsists such as Michael Toxites and Johann Huser . His extensive correspondence is documented in his "letter book".


  • From the Hermetic Philosophia / that is / from the Blessed Stain of the Wise . Christian Müller, Strasbourg 1574.
  • Wonderful medical treatise / before never coming in a truck. From Cur des Podagrams . Bernhart Jobin, Strasbourg 1576.


  • Wolfram Brechtold: Dr. Heinrich Wolff (1520-1581). Inaugural dissertation, Würzburg 1959.
  • Joachim Telle: The hunting writings of the Nuremberg city doctor Heinrich Wolf based on a handwritten book register from 1576 . In: Journal for Hunting Science . Volume 17, 1971, pp. 78-94.

Individual proof

  1. Harburg Castle , Archives of the Counts of Öttingen-Wallerstein : Cod. VII. Fol. 6. Directory at Wolfram Brechtold: Dr. Heinrich Wolff (1520-1581). Inaugural dissertation, Würzburg 1959, pp. 269-274.