Heinrich von Galen

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Heinrich von Galen (* around 1480 ; † May 30, 1557 at Tarwast Castle , today Tarvastu ) was Landmeister of the Teutonic Order in Livonia from 1551 to 1557 . He came from the line Vellinghausen - Bisping of the Westphalian nobility family Galen .

Galen entered the Teutonic Order in 1506. In 1514 he was Komtur in Wenden (today Cēsis ), from 1519 to 1529 Vogt of Kandau ( Kandava ) and then from 1529 to 1535 Komtur von Goldingen ( Kuldīga ). After Wolter von Plettenberg's death , Galen became land marshal . He was land marshal for 16 years and was then elected land master as successor to Johann von der Recke .

At the end of his tenure, the Rigische Koadjutor feud took place. Therefore he chose Johann Wilhelm von Fürstenberg as his coadjutor . Galen died shortly before the Livonian War .


  • Klaus Militzer, Lutz Fenske (ed.): The knight brothers in the Livonian branch of the Teutonic Order . Böhlau, Cologne 1993, No. 282 (p. 248).
predecessor Office successor
Johann von der Recke Landmaster in Livonia of the Teutonic Order
1551 - 1557
Johann Wilhelm von Fürstenberg