Heinz-Uwe house

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Heinz-Uwe Haus (born November 6, 1942 ) is a German actor , theater director , book author and university professor .


Heinz-Uwe Haus first studied acting, German language and literature, and cultural and theater studies at the University of Film and Television in Babelsberg, which he graduated with the stage maturity. At the Berlin Academy of the Arts he trained as a director, his teachers included Wolfgang Heinz and Manfred Wekwerth . From 1970 to 1975 Haus worked as a director at the Deutsches Theater . Until 1982 he was a founding member of the Berlin Institute for Drama Directing. In 1986 he was presented at the Humboldt University in Berlin with the publication “The meaning and application of Brecht's theater work in the development of cultural and national identity, illustrated using the example of the Republic of Cyprus” PhD in cultural studies and philosophy. From 1992 to 1993 he was in charge of the Wendgräben Castle Education Center of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation .

As a director, Haus has been guest at many theaters in Germany and abroad, such as the National Theater Weimar and the Deutsches Theater Göttingen , in Greece at the Athens National Theater , the Ergastiri Theater in Thessaloniki and the Kalamata Regional Theater, the Ankara National Theater and the Cypriot State Theater on stages in Finland, Italy, Canada and the USA. His productions were also represented at festivals such as the International Schiller Days in Mannheim or the Rhineland-Palatinate Cultural Summer .

Since 1997, Haus has been a professor of directing methodology, dramaturgy and theater theory at the University of Delaware in Newark . Visiting professorships have taken him to numerous other US and European universities. Haus lectures, leads workshops and has published countless articles in journals and similar publications worldwide.


Publications (selection)


  • Honorary Citizen of Katohi (Greece)
  • Honorary member of the Cyprus Center of the International Theater Institute
  • Honorary member of the Brecht Society of the USA

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c biography on the website of the Free University of Berlin , accessed on May 27, 2017