Heinz Becker (politician)

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Heinz Becker (2012)

Heinz Kurt Becker (born June 29, 1950 in Baden ) is an Austrian politician ( ÖVP ), General Secretary of the Austrian Seniors ' Union, Vice President of the Executive Committee of the European Seniors Union, and was an Austrian member of the European Parliament from April 2011 to 2019 .

education and profession

Heinz Becker attended a humanistic grammar school in Vienna's 13th district. After his military service in the Austrian Armed Forces , he completed his school career in 1970 by taking the school leaving examination.

He became assistant to the managing director for COMECON stores at the Japanese trading house Marubeni Corporation . In this position he worked from 1970 to 1972 in Berlin and from 1972 to 1974 in Vienna. He then worked for several advertising agencies based in Vienna, as well as in the marketing department of international corporations, including Philips .

In 1992 he founded the “BECKER. Advertising agency ”and became its managing director. After moving into the European Parliament in 2011, he handed the business over to his wife in order to be able to devote himself exclusively to politics.

Political career

Heinz Becker, Strasbourg 2011.

Since 2001 Becker has been Secretary General of the Austrian Seniors' Union and a member of the board of the ÖVP Political Academy . In addition, he has been a member of the Executive Committee of the European Senior Citizens' Union since 2005 and a full board member of the Main Association of Austrian Social Insurance Institutions since 2009 .

In April 2011 he moved into the EU Parliament in Brussels as the sixth VP mandate. He acted as social and education spokesman for the Austrian People's Party and was a member of the Committee for Employment and Social Affairs . He advocated the creation of better employment opportunities and working conditions for the increasing number of older people as well as the promotion of solidarity between the generations. He was also a member of the Petitions Committee and a deputy member of the Committee on Culture and Education and the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE). The Lower Austrian MP was also involved in the delegation for relations with Canada and Palestine.

A report on the initiative for social entrepreneurship was written on Becker's initiative. Becker acted as a reporter.

Heinz Becker is Vice President of the Parliamentary Intergroup “Aging Issues and Generational Solidarity” and a member of the European Alzheimer's Alliance. Furthermore, Vice-President of the Parliamentary Intergroup “Nursing” and member of the Parliamentary Intergroup for Osteoporosis.

In November 2013 he was elected Vice President of the European Seniors Union (ESU). The MEP will be part of the management team of the ESU, a sub-organization of the European People's Party (EPP), for the next five years . Becker received the most votes from a total of 33 senior citizens' organizations from 24 member countries.

After the European elections in Austria in 2019 , he left the European Parliament.



Heinz Becker is married and has two children.

Web links

Commons : Heinz Becker  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?pubRef=-//EP//TEXT+REPORT+A7-2012-0305+0+DOC+XML+V0//DE&language=DE
  2. http://www.ots.at/presseaussendung/OTS_20131111_OTS0115/becker-oesterreicher-zum-vizepraesident-der-europaeischen-senioren-union-gewaehlt
  3. ^ Perchtoldsdorf: High distinction for Heinz Becker . Article dated November 23, 2018, accessed November 23, 2018.
  4. Israelitische Kultusgemeinde awards the Torberg Medal . OTS notification dated November 21, 2018, accessed November 23, 2018.