Heinz Günther Henneberg

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Heinz Günther Henneberg (born January 22, 1926 in Northern Germany ; † November 4, 2016 ) was a German geodesist and since 1961 professor of geodesy at the Venezuelan Zulia University (LUZ).

Live and act

Henneberg studied surveying and civil engineering at the Technical Universities of Braunschweig and Hanover . After graduating in surveying in 1953, he headed the surveying work on the Düsseldorf North Bridge and the General Rafael Urdaneta Bridge in Venezuela. These two projects made Henneberg the subject of his dissertation , which he at the University of Hannover in 1962 received his doctorate . Since 1961 professor at the Zulia University (LUZ) in Maracaibo , he has overseen engineering and geodetic projects in Venezuela such as the construction and structural supervision of the Puente de Angostura , the bridge over the El Limón or the Guri dam. Deformations of the earth's crust in the oil-producing area on the east coast of Lake Maracaibo and horizontal displacements of the Boconó - rejection of the Cordillera de Mérida constituted further fields of activity.

Henneberg was a corresponding member of the German Geodetic Commission (since 1970), President of the Venezuelan Association of Geodesists (since 1975) and worked in various functions for the International Association of Geodesy (IAG), for example as Secretary of Commission I "Positioning" (1979– 1987), as President of the South American branch of the Commission on Recent Crustal Movements (CRCM) (1983–1995) and as Vice President of a cooperation between the IAG and the Pan American Institute of Geography and History (PAIGH) .

Henneberg was the father of five children.


  • Measurements of large-scale bridge structures, shown on the work for the north bridge in Düsseldorf and the Maracaibo bridge , dissertation 1962


  • Hermann Drewes: Obituary , IAG-Newsletter, December 2016, pp. 7-8

Individual evidence

  1. "Honor Birthdays" (of DVW -members). In: zfv - Journal for Geodesy, Geoinformation and Land Management , 140th year, No. 6/2015, ISSN  1618-8950 , p. N-105.
  2. a b c Drewes 2016, p. 7th
  3. a b German Geodetic Commission: Yearbook 2016 , ISSN  0938-846X , p. 135.
  4. Heinz-Günther Henneberg: "The surveying work during the construction of the north bridge". In: Landeshauptstadt Düsseldorf (ed.), Nordbrücke Düsseldorf (1958), pp. 140–154.
  5. a b c d Drewes 2016, p. 8th.