Heinz Taxweiler

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Heinz Taxweiler (born December 14, 1920 in Celle near Hanover ; † May 13, 1944 in Permiskyl-Saar , Estonia) was a German anti-fascist and member of the National Committee for Free Germany .


Taxweiler was the son of a shoemaker and worked as an assistant in his father's workshop.

At the beginning of the Second World War he was drafted into the Wehrmacht , namely into the 111th Infantry Division . Since he did not want to support the fascist regime, he left his unit. As "Mykola" he hid among the inhabitants for six months in Besljudiwka in the Kharkiv region . When German patrols recruited forced laborers, he was covered by villagers who pretended he was deaf and dumb. On March 9, 1942, he was tracked down and arrested by the German military police. He narrowly escaped the death penalty and was sentenced to five years in prison; he should have served this prison sentence after the end of the war. In November 1942 he was first transferred to the Esterwegen prison camp, from there to a hospital in April 1943. Eventually he was transferred to the Fort Zinna Wehrmacht prison in Torgau , transferred to Penal Battalion No. 561 and sent again to the Eastern Front .

On December 20, 1943, he defected to the Red Army on the Volkhov Front . He joined the Leningrad group of the National Committee "Free Germany" as part of the 59th Army , where he held the position of the front commissioner. He played a prominent role in organizing propaganda aimed at calling on Wehrmacht soldiers to break away from Hitler and end the war as quickly as possible. He communicated this request daily from the trenches using a megaphone . The Military Council of the 59th Army received a medal for courage and valor.

On May 13, 1944, he was fatally wounded when he called on German soldiers on the banks of the Narva River in Permiskyl-Saar . First he was buried in the Estonian village of Zagrivye and later in a mass grave in the city of Slanzy in the Leningrad region .

The Free Germany Committee later published a propaganda sheet: "Curse the murderers of Heinz Taxweiler!"


The Ukrainian-Soviet writer Jurij Herassymenko ( Юрій Георгійович Герасименко ; 1927–1985) mentioned Heinz Taxweiler in his stories about Besljudiwka " Ой видно село " and " Лісове озеро ".


Individual evidence

  1. Willy Wolff. On the side of the red army: to work d. National Committee Free Germany to d. Soviet-German Front 1943–1945 - Military publishing house of Dt. Democrat. Republic, 1975 - p. 118
  2. Gottfried Hamacher. Against Hitler: Germans in the Resistance, in the armed forces of the anti-Hitler coalition and the "Free Germany" movement: short biographies - Karl Dietz, 2005 - p. 200.
  3. Gottfried Hamacher. Against Hitler: ... p. 200.
  4. Willy Wolff. On the side of the red army: to work d. National Committee Free Germany to d. Soviet-German Front 1943–1945 - Military publishing house of Dt. Democrat. Republic, 1975 - p. 118
  5. Hans-Peter Klausch. The Probation Troop 500: Position and Function of the Probation Troop 500 in the System of National Socialist Defense Law, National Socialist Military Justice and Wehrmacht Prison Execution - Edition Temmen, 1995 - p. 332.
  6. ^ Bernt von Kügelgen. The front was everywhere: experiences and reports from the struggle of the National Committee "Free Germany" - Verlag der Nation, 1978, - p. 126
  7. Е. А. Бродский. Это известно немногим: Воспоминания политработника РККА. - Красногорск: Мемориальный музей немецких антифашистов, 1996. —с. 148
  8. Gottfried Hamacher. Germans in the Resistance, in the armed forces of the anti-Hitler coalition and the "Free Germany" movement. Berlin, 2003. - p. 135
  9. Karl Heinz Jahnke. In one front: young Germans on the side of the Soviet Union in the Great Patriotic War - Military Publishing House of the German Democratic Republic, 1989 - p. 32
  10. Ernst Kehler. Insights and Insights: Memories - Dietz, 1989, pp. 165, 166
  11. Karl Heinz Jahnke. In a front ... , p. 32
  12. Конасов В.Б., Петелин Б.В. Сопротивление и плен: документы и материалы по истории антифашистского движения Сиопротивления Сопротивления Сионормания Сионормана. 1933-1955 гг. Ч. 1. ИПК и ППК. Вологда: Вологодский институт развития образования, 2000. - p. 110
  13. pamyat-naroda.ru
  14. Hans Heinrich Düsel, The Soviet leaflet propaganda against Germany in World War II: the front leaflets of the North Caucasus Front: Front leaflets of unknown fronts: Supplements to volumes 1 to 4, Том 1 - Leipziger Universitätsverlag, 2004 - pp. 95, 125
  15. http://docs.google.com/viewer?url=http%3A%2F%2Fshron1.chtyvo.org.ua%2FHerasymenko%2FLisove_ozero.rtf Герасименко. Повість "Лісове озеро"