Helikon Opera

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The Helikon-Opera ( Russian Геликон-Опера , Gelikon-Opera ) is an opera company operating in Moscow , Russian Federation , which has existed since April 1990. It was founded by Dmitri Bertman and has so far focused on unconventional productions. Vladimir Ponkin is the chief conductor .


The ensemble played until 2006 in the 250-seat comprehensive Mayakovsky Theater , the former ballroom in the palace of art-loving family Schachowskoi -Glebow-Streschnewa the 19th century. Since 2006 this theater, Helikon-1, has been "rebuilt and expanded". However, the work was repeatedly hampered by bureaucratic disruptions, so that the ensemble had to carry out its performances in other Moscow theaters for years. The theater is currently playing in the New Arbat (Nowy Arbat) 11 building called Helikon-2, but the renovation work will be completed with a big festival at the historic site in October 2015.


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Individual evidence

  1. Wagner the political satirist. In: FAZ , 11 November 2011, p. 36.