Hemaris beresowskii

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Hemaris beresowskii
Hemaris beresowskii BMNHE272572 male up.jpg

Hemaris beresowskii

Class : Insects (Insecta)
Order : Butterflies (Lepidoptera)
Family : Swarmers (Sphingidae)
Subfamily : Macroglossinae
Genre : Hemaris
Type : Hemaris beresowskii
Scientific name
Hemaris beresowskii
Alphéraky , 1897

Beresowskii hemaris is a butterfly ( moth ) from the family of moth (Sphingidae).


The forewings have a transparent disc cell, which is usually divided by a receding, scaly fold. The upper side of the hind wings is colored similar to that of Hemaris ottonis , but the marginal band between M 3 and Cu 1 is as wide as the distance between these two veins on the wing edge. The genitals of the males are similar to Hemaris staudingeri , but the uncus is slightly shorter. The right valves are narrower in front of the middle, their ventral edge is not so clearly indented towards the middle.

Occurrence and way of life

The occurrence of the species is limited to the southwest of China ( Henan , Sichuan and Yunnan ). The moths fly in Sichuan from May to July, in Henan and Yunnan from June to July. The pre-imaginal stages are unknown.

supporting documents

Individual evidence

  1. a b HEMARIS BERESOWSKII Alphéraky, 1897. AR Pittaway: Sphingidae of the Eastern Palaearctic, accessed December 27, 2014 .


  • Alphéraky, SN (1897): Lépidoptères des provinces chinoises Sé-Tchouen at Kam recueillis en 1893 par GN Potaine. In: Romanoff: Mémoires sur les lépidoptères. 9, p. 120