Heqaib III.

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Heqaib in hieroglyphics
HqA q

Heqaib (Heqa ib)
Ḥq3 jb
He who rules the heart /
[ My ] heart is [ my ] ruler

Heqaib (III.) Was an ancient Egyptian official around 1850 BC. And thus at the end of the 12th dynasty ( Middle Kingdom ). He was the mayor and head of the priesthood on Elephantine Island .

Heqaib was the son of Zattjeni. His father's name is unknown. He is only known from a statue that he had erected in the shrine of Heqaib on Elephantine. His grave was found in 2013. It contained, among other things, a labeled coffin and a mummy mask.


  • Detlef Franke : The sanctuary of the Heqaib on Elephantine. History of a provincial shrine in the Middle Kingdom (= studies on the archeology and history of ancient Egypt. Volume 9). Heidelberger Orientverlag, Heidelberg 1994, ISBN 3-927552-17-8 , p. 42.
  • Labib Habachi , Gerhard Haeny, Friedrich Junge, Dieter Johannes: The Sanctuary of Heqaib (= Elephantine. Volume 4 / Archaeological Publications. (AV) [German Archaeological Institute. Cairo Department] Volume 33). von Zabern, Mainz 1985, ISBN 3-8053-0496-X , pp. 55-57.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Gabinete de Comunicación UJA. La Universidad de Jaen comienza en febrero su sexta campaña arqueológica en Asuán (Egipto). On: diariodigital.ujaen.es from February 04, 2014 ( Memento from March 10, 2014 in the Internet Archive )

predecessor Office successor
Heqaibanch Mayor on Elephantine
Amenemhet III.