Herbert Martin Gröger

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Herbert Martin Gröger (born November 12, 1928 in Koźle ; † August 31, 2016 in Münster-Wolbeck ) was a German vocational school teacher and a co-founder of the Catholic Commission for the Protection of Unborn Life . For many years he was committed to helping expellees and resettlers.


He attended school in his hometown. After the war and imprisonment, he completed an apprenticeship as a gardener , attended the higher horticultural school and graduated from high school in 1957 . After studying at the Pedagogical College for Agricultural Teachers in Wilhelmshaven, he worked as a teacher in Münster from 1959 to 1992 , most recently at the Wilhelm-Emmanuel-von-Ketteler School.

In 1974 he co-founded the Commission for the Protection of Unborn Life , which provides assistance to pregnant women. After leaving the state pregnancy conflict counseling service in 2001, he campaigned for the Bischof Tenhumberg Foundation to be established, which has supported the commission ever since.

Gröger was involved in the pastoral care of expellees and emigrants at the diocesan and federal level. For many years he was a member of the Pastoral Council of Wroclaw Catholics, Deputy Chairman of the Heimatwerk Schlesischer Katholiken e. V. at the federal level, member of the Catholic Refugee Council in Germany and diocesan chairman of the Working Group of Catholic Expellees Organizations. He campaigned for the integration of expellees and refugees in Münster and in the Münsterland . In the 1970s and 1980s he sought sponsorships, language courses, offers of help, St. Nicholas and Christmas celebrations for ethnic repatriates and set up a project group for ethnic repatriates in the city committee of Catholic associations. He organized many aid transports to Silesia , which mainly benefited children's and old people's homes, nursing homes and theological training in the diocese of Opole . The more than 30-year commitment to the seminary of the diocese of Opole also resulted in joint collaborations with the Collegium Borromaeum Münster .


For his various services to the church and society, he was awarded the Papal New Year's Eve (2007), the Federal Cross of Merit on Ribbon (1993) and the Paulus Plaque (1993). For his services to the theological faculty of the University of Opole , he was awarded the medal of the University of Opole .

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