Heribert II.

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Heribert II was abbot of Werden and Helmstedt from 1198 to 1225 . He was more involved than the abbots before and after him on the anti-Staufer side in imperial politics. The closeness of Becoming to the papacy also reached its climax under Heribert.


According to the Werdener tradition, it should come from the lineage of the noble lords of Büren . However, the use of this name in the family was not common. A brother named Heinrich was provost in Werden and since 1200 abbot of St. Pantaleon in Cologne.

He was prior in Werden before his time as Abbot. He can be documented as abbot from July 1198 to March 1225.

The attitude of the monastery had been directed against the Hohenstaufen for some time . Therefore the abbot was supporter of Otto IV and opponent of Philip of Swabia in the dispute over the rule . Heribert was involved in the elevation of Otto to king by the Archbishop of Cologne, Adolf von Altena . He signed the letter to the Pope about the election of Otto. He sent his brother Heinrich to Rome as an envoy. The abbot also took part in Otto's coronation on July 12, 1198 in Aachen . Even after that, he stayed several times in the vicinity of Otto. In 1209 he celebrated Pentecost in Braunschweig with him.

This position was also important for his relationship with Pope Innocent III. The Pope used Heriberts for certain tasks. In 1204 he was one of the church representatives who were supposed to remove the archbishop of Magdeburg Ludolf von Kroppenstedt from the ban. In addition, he should examine the controversial election of bishops in Munster with other abbots and bring about a settlement. Heribert spoke out in favor of Otto I. von Oldenburg . He took part in a crusade (probably the Crusade of Damiette ) and, on behalf of the crusade preacher Oliver, who was appointed by the Pope, absolved the Count of Wilhelm of Holland (from a ban) and was banned by Archbishop of Trier Johann I. Pope Honorius III made him of it . Completed in 1218.

The proximity to Otto and the Pope brought the monastery some advantages. The annual payments required by the Hohenstaufen dynasty were no longer required. Werden also received back the previously withdrawn right to coin. In 1199 he received a protective mandate from the Pope with the confirmation of tithe rights. On the other hand, the political and church commitment was also associated with heavy burdens. His opposition to the Hohenstaufen led to the fact that the property of Werdens in Ostfalen was devastated by Philip of Swabia and his followers. The expenses associated with Otto's participation in the Rome train from Braunschweig also put a strain on the abbey's finances. The Helmstedt Monastery had to make a contribution of 12 silver marks to finance it. Even if Heribert broke off the crusade prematurely, this was also associated with high costs.

Probably only after Otto's death did Heribert join the Staufers. In 1222 he was present at the coronation of Henry VII , the son of Frederick II , in Aachen. Heribert apparently stayed away from service under the rule of Friedrich II.

A decline in monastic discipline was also noticeable through his frequent absence. The abbot intended to reform Werden with the support of the monasteries in Deutz and Siegburg . In doing so, he wanted to rely on the authority of the Pope. Both of Innocent III. as well as by Honorius III. Heribert received appropriate permits. However, it is doubtful whether there were actually any notable successes, as his successor also had to deal with the question of reform. In his time, the Cologne archbishops had a great influence. So Werden renounced forest ownership in favor of the Saarn Monastery . Heribert was also a witness for the archbishop in 1221 in a document for the Soest Walburgis pen .

Tradition has it that Heribert died on July 23rd or March 29th.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Wilhelm Stüwer: The imperial abbey at the Ruhr. 1980, p. 147.
  2. a b c d Wilhelm Stüwer: The imperial abbey at the Ruhr. 1980, p. 153.
  3. Wilhelm Stüwer: The imperial abbey on the Ruhr. 1980, p. 148.
  4. Wilhelm Stüwer: The imperial abbey on the Ruhr. 1980, p. 113.


  • Wilhelm Stüwer: The imperial abbey in the Ruhr (= Germania Sacra . New episode 12: The dioceses of the church province of Cologne. The archbishopric of Cologne. 3). de Gruyter, Berlin et al. 1980, ISBN 3-11-007877-5 , v. a. P. 336 f., ( Digitized version ).