Hermann Josef Schneider

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Hermann Josef Schneider (born April 7, 1862 in Tepl , † February 25, 1921 in Saaz ) was a Bohemian composer, conductor and music publisher. He achieved fame through his march compositions.


Schneider was born the son of a court clerk and received violin and piano lessons at an early age. From 1881 to 1884 he served in a musical train of the Austro-Hungarian Army and thus came into contact with brass music . In 1889 he moved to the the Cecilianism undertook educational institution of St. Ambrose -Vereins for church musical art in Vienna and was further trained there. However, he did not stay in Vienna, but went back to his homeland Bohemia in 1893 and worked as a choirmaster at the Saaz parish church. He also taught at the city's music school and from 1897 headed the band of the Saaz-privileged rifle corps, which he made widely known with performances of his own works.

Schneider was an extremely fruitful composer. In addition to church music ( masses and sacred songs ) he created concert music of all kinds ( overtures , waltzes , polkas , salon music and three unperformed operettas ). Above all, however, he composed brass music marches, which he often published in his own publishing house and which are still part of the standard repertoire of the wind orchestras in the area of ​​the former KuK monarchy and in southern Germany . Schneider's best-known compositions include: Archduke Carl March , Archduke Albrecht March , Alt Starhemberg , My heart is an apiary .

He also composed early hits. As a music publisher of his own publishing house, he ensured that his compositions were widely distributed internationally.

In Saaz he lived in the lower suburb on Mariengasse and Raimundgasse near the lower elementary school. Hermann Josef Schneider died on February 25, 1921. He was buried in the St. Anthony cemetery in Saaz.


Selection for wind orchestra

  • Old German Masters March
  • Alt-Starhemberg, 54 regimental march
  • On sentry , march
  • On the Schmelz , March
  • Apiary march
  • The emperor's call to arms
  • The regiment's flag
  • Danube Tigerl
  • You liabe Wienerstadt
  • Archduke Albrecht March
  • Archduke Carl
  • Flag up , march
  • For emperor and empire , march
  • Hochalma Diandl'n March
  • In the bullet rain
  • In parade step
  • Kaiser Fanfare
  • Kaiser Franz Joseph Jubilee March
  • Kaiserjäger , march
  • Corps maneuver march
  • Parade ride
  • Mei liaba alta Steffl Marsch
  • With flags flying
  • We are we
  • Mobilization march
  • Presents! - Parade march
  • Praterleben March
  • s' poor Maderl
  • Chess king
  • Under old flags , march
  • Under the German flag
  • To the weapons
  • 2 defiant heads solo for 2 flugelhorns

Film music

  • The sleeping car controller (together with Willi Meisel)


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