Hermann Knappe

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Hermann Knappe (born August 27, 1901 in Frankfurt (Oder) , † April 23, 1984 in Berlin ) was a German politician ( SPD ).


Hermann Knappe was the son of a butcher and attended elementary school . He became a toolmaker and from 1922 worked as a locksmith at the company “ Dr. Max Levy GmbH ". In 1926 he joined the German Metal Workers' Association and the following year the SPD. With the " seizure of power " by the National Socialists in 1933, Knappe was reprimanded for his work as a works council . He later worked as a toolmaker at various companies in Berlin, Hüningen in Alsace , Langenbielau in Lower Silesia and Neudek near Karlsbad .

After the Second World War , Knappe returned to Berlin in 1945 and became operations manager as a trustee on behalf of the Kreuzberg district office . He was a board member of the union of technicians and foremen. In the first Berlin election in 1946 he was elected to the city ​​council of Greater Berlin . He was also elected in the next election in 1948 , and at the end of 1950 he left parliament.
