Hermann Rahe

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Hermann Rahe (1994)

Hermann Rahe (born May 21, 1913 in Witten , Westphalia ; † June 28, 1998 in Düsseldorf ) was a German administrative lawyer and ministerial official.


After graduating from the Bessel secondary school in Minden , Rahe studied law at the University of Cologne from the winter semester of 1933/34 . At the beginning of his studies he was active in the Kösener Corps Friso-Luneburgia . In 1938 he passed the legal traineeship exam. In 1939 he began his legal clerkship . From 1940 he served as a non-commissioned officer in the army (Wehrmacht) . During the campaign in the west he suffered a severe wound to his right leg, which led to a permanent handicap and in 1942 to his discharge from the Wehrmacht. In the same year he took up the legal preparatory service again and passed the assessor examination in 1944 . He began his professional career as a lawyer in Poznan . The British military government appointed him in 1945 as a public prosecutor in Minden and entrusted him with the establishment and management of the branch of the Bielefeld public prosecutor's office in Minden. In 1947 he was called up to the Ministry of Justice of the emerging state of North Rhine-Westphalia in Düsseldorf, where he initially worked in the criminal law department and in the personnel department. From 1954 he was responsible for the training of judges and public prosecutors and for judicial policy. In 1968 he was promoted to Senior Ministerial Counselor. From 1949 until his retirement in 1978 he was press spokesman for the Ministry of Justice in North Rhine-Westphalia. From 1979 to 1981 he headed the German Judges Academy in Trier based on a resolution of the Justice Ministers ' Conference . Between 1981 and 1984 he chaired various meetings of the academy.

Corps student

Hermann Rahe has been an enthusiastic and committed corps student since his time at Friso-Luneburgia . During the Second World War he supported the scales of the Corps Misnia IV as a trainee lawyer in Leipzig , made himself available to him as a counterpaw and, despite the wound, fought his 20th and 21st scale in 1943, including one against the senior Wolf Sturm . The Corps Silesia Breslau and the Corps Marchia Brno awarded him the ribbon in 1984 and 1994 . From 1982 to 1986 he was Chairman of the Board of the Association of Old Corps Students . He was a co-founder and from 1986 to 1993 chairman of the Association of Old Corps Students . From 1986 to 1993 he was the representative of the VAC in the Convent of German Academic Associations .


Individual evidence

  1. a b Kösener Corpslisten 1996, 43/178; 154/1133; 94/313
  2. ^ A b c CV of Hermann Rahes, in: Märkerbrief (Corps Marchia Brünn) No. 75, Trier 1994
  3. Directors of the German Judges Academy
  4. Details from Egbert Weiß : Leipziger Mensuren in WWII . Once and Now, Yearbook of the Society for Corps Student History Research, Vol. 20 (1975), pp. 60, 67 (Mensuren gegen Friso-Luneburgia)
predecessor Office successor
Wolfgang Kindler VAC chairman
Konstantin Mehring