Hermann Vorländer

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Hermann Vorländer (born November 17, 1942 in Moschin , Poland) is a German Protestant theologian and former mission director.


Hermann Vorländer's ancestors include: a. the Prussian finance minister and co-founder of Deutsche Bank David Hansemann (1790–1864), the writer Emma Levêque-Bunsen (1850–1890), the philosopher Karl Vorländer (1860–1928) and the chemistry professor Daniel Vorländer (1867–1941).

After high school and military service, Vorländer studied Protestant theology in Bethel , Hamburg , Heidelberg and Erlangen from 1964 to 1968 . In 1968 he passed the first theological exam and worked until 1971 as a research assistant at the theological faculty of the University of Erlangen. There he received his doctorate in 1971 with a thesis from the tray Old Testament Dr. theol. After vicariate and second theological exam, he taught from 1972 to 1976 as a lecturer at the Near East School of Theology, a theological college in Beirut / Lebanon . From 1976 to 1981 he was pastor in Kaufbeuren . 1981–1988 he headed the theological examination office of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bavaria in Munich. From 1988 to 1992 he was dean in the Vice Dean's office in Munich-South and pastor at St. Luke's Church . From 1992 to 2007 he was director of the mission work of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bavaria in Neuendettelsau , which was transformed into the Centrum Mission EineWelt in 2007. From 1977 to 1992 he taught as a part-time lecturer at the Evangelical University of Applied Sciences in Munich. Since 2007 he has been working on a voluntary basis in several associations (NorthSouth Initiative eV, Verein Kultur Neuguinea eV, Heimat- und Geschichtsverein Neuendettelsau eV)

Vorländer worked in numerous church committees: Member and deputy chairman of the board of the Evangelical Missionswerk in Germany , member of the general synod of the United Evangelical Lutheran Church of Germany (VELKD), chairman of the mission committee of the VELKD, member of the supervisory board of the Evangelical Development Service eV, deputy chairman of the supervisory board of the EKD Institute for Archeology in Jerusalem, chairman of the Islamic Commission of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bavaria. He took part as a delegate at the General Assemblies of the Lutheran World Federation in Hong Kong (1997) and Winnipeg (2003).

Vorländer is married to the theologian Dorothea Vorländer, b. Cyron; the couple has four children.


  • My God. The ideas of the personal God in the Old Orient and in the Old Testament. Butzon and Bercker, Kevelaer 1975.
  • The time of origin of the Jehovah history work. Lang, Frankfurt am Main 1978.
  • Israel's monotheism as a response to the crisis of exile. In: Bernhard Lang (Ed.): The only god. The birth of biblical monotheism. Kösel, Munich 1981, pp. 84-113.
  • Great characters from the Bible. Southwest, Munich 1987.
  • Neuendettelsau Mission and Third Reich. In: Look into the world. 2011, no.3.
  • ed. with Claudia Jahnel: Friedrich Bauer (1812–1874). Pioneer of world missions, pioneer of the Duden . Erlanger Verlag for Mission and Ecumenism, Neuendettelsau 2013, ISBN 978-3-87214-540-6 .
  • Church in motion. The history of the evangelical mission in Bavaria. Erlanger Verlag for Mission and Ecumenism, Neuendettelsau 2014, ISBN 978-3-87214-546-8 .

Vorländer also published numerous articles on the Lebanon and Middle East conflict, on the dialogue between Christianity and Islam, on the Old Testament, on mission theology and on questions of ecumenism and development.