Hermann von Bilfinger

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Hermann Freiherr von Bilfinger in uniform

Hermann Bilfinger, from 1902 Freiherr von Bilfinger (born March 1, 1843 in Friolzheim ; † March 14, 1919 at Harteneck Castle near Ludwigsburg ) was a Württemberg general of the infantry and royal Württemberg general adjutant to King Wilhelm II .


Bilfinger was the second of four children of Pastor Dr. Carl Bilfinger and Adelheid Bilfinger, b. Frank. When his father swapped the Friolzheim parish with the one in Rohracker , he went to Stuttgart high school from there. Despite his upper-class career, he had a lifelong connection to his home community.

At the age of 16 he attended the Ludwigsburg War School . After his 21st birthday he became a lieutenant in the 1st Jäger Battalion on Hohenasperg . In the campaigns of the German War of 1866 and Franco-German War of 1870/71 he distinguished himself repeatedly. He was appointed to the Württemberg General Staff and in 1877 also to the Great General Staff in Berlin. In 1901 he became general of the infantry.

In 1896 Bilfinger was appointed adjudant general by the Württemberg king. For fifteen years he enjoyed the full confidence of the king, with whom he had a cordial relationship. His in-depth knowledge of the country, customs and traditions, as well as openness and considered and sober judgment made him a reliable advisor. In recognition of Bilfinger's services, the king made him hereditary baron . In 1911 he asked the king to retire. The king complied with this request, but at the same time appointed him for life as a member of the First Chamber of the Landtag of Württemberg . Even after he officially left the service, von Bilfinger remained close and friendly with the king. The abdication of the king in November 1918 and his withdrawal, as well as the political upheavals hit him hard.


Von Bilfinger was with Baroness Marie Henriette von Bilfinger, b. Rouff, a merchant's daughter from Ludwigsburg, and had a daughter and five sons with her. The family's residence was Harteneck Castle, which was acquired by Bilfinger's father-in-law in 1851.

honors and awards

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Department of the Main State Archives Stuttgart - Finding aid E 157/1: Ministry of the Interior: Commission for the nobility registers - structural view. Retrieved May 6, 2020 .
  2. Imanuel Stutzmann, Michael Seiß et al .: Friolzheim - a village and its people remember and celebrate Geiger Verlag, 2005, ISBN 3-86595-081-7
  3. ^ The London Gazette, issue 27991, p. 737