Sayyid Mir Jan

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Sayyid Mir Jan Kabul Naqshbandi (born 1800 ; died November 13, 1901 ) was an Islamic scholar, preacher and Sufi saint of the Naqshbandi order from Kabul . He was a descendant of Bahauddin Naqshband , the founder of the Naqshbandi order and its traditional successor and descendant Khwaja Khawand Mahmud , known as Hazrat Ishaan.



Hazrat Ishaan Saheb is said to have been born into a household of Sayyid descent. This means that he was the descendant of the Islamic prophet Mohammed through his daughter Fatima and his son-in-law ʿAlī ibn Abī Tālib . Family trees show that he is 28th generation descended from the Prophet Mohammed. Further ancestors are the founder of the Naqschbandi order Muhammad Baha'uddin Naqschband, as well as his son-in-law Ala'uddin Attar and the eleventh Imam Hasan al-ʿAskarī and Khwaja Khawand Mahmud .

Early years and education

In his early years he memorized the Koran and studied Islamic theology and jurisprudence . From the age of five he was first a student of his father Sayyid Mir Muhammad Hassan, who taught him his basic knowledge in Tasawwuf . The more paternal ancestors of Sayyid Mir Jan were high scholars of their time ( Persian : Khwajagan ) who taught their basic knowledge of Islamic mysticism and theology from father to son. This tradition reached from the seventh Imam Imam Musa al Kazim through his son Abu Qasim Sayyid Mir Hamza.

After his basic training, he trained with well-known scholars and Sufi saints . He was known to have completed his studies under well-known Islamic scholars under the standard period of study at that time with top performance.

Higher Gnostic Education (Arabic "Suluk")

After Sayyid Mir Jan finished his studies in Kabul, he continued with the Sufi saint Mawlawi Ahmadyar Saheb Bukhari. Mawlawi Ahmadyar Saheb Bukhari was in turn a student of Malawi Muhammad Sharif Saheb, who was a student of Shah Ahmad Saeed Mujaddidi.

Sayyid Mir Jan learned from him 7 ways of Islamic mysticism, in Arabic Tariqat and ended his teachings as his successor also known as Khalifa. As his Khalifa, Sayyid Mir Jan made the pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina and stayed there. He married the daughter of one of his masters in Madinah and fathered two sons. When he received the instruction from his master in Madinah to preach Islam in India, he went there and sat down in Lahore .

Preachers and benefactors in Lahore

There he went to the shrine of his ancestor Khwaja Khawand Mahmud and succeeded him after his line had died out. Hazrat Sayyid Mir Jan was known to have converted many Sikhs and Hindus to Islam at the time and to have taught the Prophet Mohammed the way of his ancestor . He founded a madrasa in Lahore near the mausoleum of his ancestor Khwaja Khawand Mahmud in which he taught this path. He was also known for helping disadvantaged people, especially orphans.

He found his final resting place in Lahore and is buried together with his brother Mir Sayyid Mahmud Agha in the mausoleum of his ancestor Khwaja Khawand Mahmud .


Hazrat Sayyid Mir Jan, due to his high level of Gnosticism, was known among contemporary scholars as:

  • Master of the pious descendants of the Prophet , in Persian Sayyid ul Sadaat
  • Teacher of the Scholars, in Persian Khwaja-e-Khwajagan
  • Scholars' source of life, in Persian Jan-i-Janan-e-Arifan and
  • Only Chashme Khwajagan, in Persian the lover of scholars


  • Tazkar-e-Khanwade Hazrat Eshan, written by Muhammad Yasin Qasvari Naqschbandi, published by Edara Talimat Naqshbandiyya, Lahore