Lords of Pongau (noble family)

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The Lords of Pongau (presumably to be equated with the Lords of Hof (v) en ) are an aristocratic family from Salzburg that can be traced back to the 12th century. In today's castle ruins Bach case of Bischofshofen is Castle Pongau suspected.

Around 1150 Perthold von Pongau dedicated half a yard to Planchinowe (today the district of Plankenau von St. Johann im Pongau ) and four interest-bearing subjects to the Admont monastery . His son was the cupbearer of the Salzburg Archbishop Eberhard I. Rudeger von Pongau . After his death († 1161) the Archbishop divided the Plankenau fiefdom between the Admont Abbey and the Salzburg Cathedral Chapter . These two gentlemen from Pongau also appear in the book of the dead of the Salzburg Cathedral monastery and this family ends with them.

After the male line of the Lords of Pongau died out , part of their property came to the Lords of Goldegg . A county of Pongau is mentioned in 1243; It is not clear whether the Lords of Pongau-Goldegg owned the lower castle near the Georgskirche or the upper castle Bachsfall as the eponymous castle . The house chapel of the Lords of Pongau is believed to be in the Georgskirche.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Friederike Zaisberger & Walter Schlegel , 1978, p. 10.
  2. ^ Friederike Zaisberger : Geschichte Salzburgs , S. 42. R. Oldenbourg Verlag , Munich 1998. ISBN 3-486-56351-3 .

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