Herta Leistner

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Herta Leistner (born May 28, 1942 in Altensteig ) is a German social worker and author .


After her school days and the death of her mother, Herta Leistner looked after her brother and father. In 1959 she began a voluntary diaconal year in the Diakonissenanstalt in Stuttgart . In an evening school she made up her Abitur and began studying social pedagogy in Tübingen in 1969 . After completing her studies, Herta Leistner worked from 1974 as a director of studies at the Evangelical Academy Bad Boll and at the women's study and education center of the Evangelical Church in Germany in Gelnhausen .

Herta Leistner is seen as a champion for the rights of women and lesbians within the churches. On August 27, 1996 she received the Federal Cross of Merit on ribbon. Thereupon Wolfhart Pannenberg returned his Federal Cross of Merit.


  • Chances and Problems of Midlife , Evangelical Academy Bad Boll, 1978.
  • with Heidemarie Langer: With Mirjam through the Red Sea , Kreuz-Verlag, Stuttgart 1985
  • with Monika Barz and Ute Wild: Would you have thought that we are so many? Kreuz-Verlag 1987
  • with Monika Barz: Lesbian women in the church , 2nd rev. Edition. Stuttgart, Kreuz-Verlag, 1993.
  • with Monika Barz: Emerge from nonexistence , 1993.
  • Let your strength be felt , Gütersloh 1997.


  • Federal Cross of Merit on Ribbon (1996)
  • AMOS Prize for Civil Courage in Religion, Church and Society, 2009


  • Ilse Lenz : The New Women's Movement in Germany. Farewell to the small difference . VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden 2008, ISBN 978-3-531-14729-1 .
  • Monika Barz : Lesbian women in the Bel-Etage. Lecture on the occasion of the award of the Federal Cross of Merit to Herta Leistner , in: Monika Barz / Geertje Froken-Boll (eds.): Divine lesbian - Facets of lesbian existence in the church , Gütersloh 1997, pp. 12-19. ISBN 3-579-00546-4

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b biography of Leistner
  2. ↑ Office of the Federal President
  3. https://www.stimme.de/suedwesten/nachrichten/pl/AMOS-Preis-fuer-Zivilcourage- geht-an-Herta-Leistner; art19070,1478332