Hieronymus von Münchhausen

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Hieronymus von Münchhausen (born June 22, 1680 in Wolfenbüttel , † August 18, 1742 ) was a Brunswick minister .


As the son of the Braunschweig privy councilor and consistorial director Busso von Münchhausen, he belonged to the white line of the von Münchhausen family .

In 1704 he joined the ruling dukes Rudolf August and Anton Ulrich of Braunschweig and Lüneburg as a chamberlain . Soon after, he was promoted to Chamber Councilor and in 1711 to Privy Chamber Councilor.

Duke August Wilhelm appointed him privy councilor , chamber president and chief miner in 1716 . With the approval of August Wilhelm Münchhausen also entered the service of Duke Ludwig Rudolf , August Wilhelm's brother, who ruled Blankenburg as an independent principality.

In 1727 he fell out of favor with Duke August Wilhelm, but was protected by Duke Ludwig Rudolf, who was with his son-in-law Emperor Karl VI. stood up for him. Thereupon he received an honorable farewell in Wolfenbüttel. He remained first minister in the Principality of Blankenburg and held the same position in Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel from 1731, when August Wilhelm died and Ludwig Rudolf had succeeded him there in government. He also held the same office under the two next dukes Ferdinand Albrecht II and Charles I until his death.

Marriages and inheritance

Münchhausen was married twice. His second wife gave birth to 14 children, but only two daughters and one son (Ferdinand, later imperial postmaster in Braunschweig) reached an advanced age.
