Hinrich Springer

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Hinrich Andreas Theodor Springer (born March 13, 1880 in Altona , † January 25, 1949 in Bendestorf ) was a German printer's owner and publisher .


Springer, the son of a music teacher, came from Altona. He completed an apprenticeship as a typesetter and spent years traveling as an assistant. On May 2, 1908, he married Ottilie Müller from Hamburg , with whom he had their son Axel Springer four years later . In 1909 Hinrich Springer became a partner in the Altonaer Buchdruckerei Hammerich & Lesser , which was founded in 1789 and started publishing the weekly Altonaer Bürgerzeitung in 1912 . After he had paid off the co-owner of the printing company, he began publishing the successful daily newspaper Altonaer Nachrichten (later the Hamburg Latest Newspaper ) in 1924 . After the beginning of the Second World War , the daily newspaper was discontinued in 1941, and finally the entire publishing business in 1944. The publishing house in Königstrasse was destroyed, as was Springer's house in Elbchaussee . Hinrich Springer then lived secluded in his house in Bendestorf, where he died in 1949 after a long illness. He was buried in the Flottbeck cemetery.


  • Tim von Arnim: "And then I will build the largest newspaper house in Europe." The entrepreneur Axel Springer. Campus, Frankfurt am Main 2012, ISBN 978-3-593-39636-1 , p. 275 ( limited preview in Google book search)
  • Obituary. In: Hamburger Abendblatt

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Marriage register StA Hamburg 2a, No. 242/1908