Hinrich Westhof

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Hinrich Westhof († April 7, 1415 in Lüneburg ) was a mayor of the Hanseatic city of Lübeck .


Westhof had been in 1384 as alderman of the city of Hanseatic days represent and as a war captain of the city jointly with the later Mayor Thomas Morkerke military action in 1385 Mecklenburg carried out in the course of Lübeck side several castles like the knight Heinrich von Bulow gen. Grotekop due Highway robberies were destroyed. His first diplomatic mission took him to Helsingborg for the Hanseatic League in 1385 , in order to return the locks in Sweden that had been pledged in the Peace of Stralsund to the Danish King Olav II . In 1392 he was appointed mayor in the council. In the same year he was also in Flanders for the Hanseatic League . The Hanseatic Office in Bruges had moved its headquarters to Dordrecht in the third boycott of Flanders in 1388 and returned to Bruges under him .

From 1393 to 1395, Westhof negotiated as negotiator, most recently with the support of his colleague Johann Niebur , in various places such as Skanör-Falsterbo and Lindholmen Castle , but also in Rostock and finally in Helsingborg, with Queen Margaret I and Duke Johann von Mecklenburg over a peace treaty and the release of the imprisoned King Albrecht . The main negotiations took place at Lindholmen, where the contract was signed on June 17, 1395. In 1398 in Copenhagen he agreed to the return of the Hanseatic League to Margarethe, because Albrecht did not fulfill the conditions in connection with his release.

In 1397 he negotiated with the councilor Hermann Darsow († 1404) in matters of the Lüneburg Sate in Lüneburg.

In 1399 he acted as a mediator in Nyköping in the dispute between the Wendish Hanseatic cities of Wismar and Rostock and Margarethe of Denmark on the other. As early as 1401 he negotiated again with Margaret and Erik VII in Lund in order to come to an alliance with them. Here his political guideline for Lübeck's foreign policy at the turn of the century to the 15th century becomes clear: Westhof sought to close ranks with the Danish regent. He also took part in the negotiations with Albrecht about the return of the island of Gotland in Flensburg in 1405. In 1407 he belonged to a Hanseatic embassy who negotiated with the King of England's envoys in Amsterdam.

In 1408 he stayed briefly in Lübeck during the riots. Together with the other members of the old council, he sued the new council , so that his Lübeck property was confiscated by the new council. He was a member of the circle society and died in exile in Lüneburg.


Individual evidence

  1. Lindholmen borg ( Memento of the original from July 25, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (Swedish), from the Svedala Municipality website, accessed June 20, 2013.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.svedala.se
  2. Sten Skansjö: Kampen om Skåne på 1300-talet (Swedish). In: Popular Historia , on the website: www.popularhistoria.se , March 16, 2001, accessed June 24, 2013.