Hispid frogfish

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Hispid frogfish

Hispid frogfish ( Antennarius hispidus )

Order : Armfinch (Lophiiformes)
Subordination : Sensorfish-like (Antennarioidei)
Family : Frogfish (Antennariidae)
Subfamily : Antennariinae
Genre : Antennarius
Type : Hispid frogfish
Scientific name
Antennarius hispidus
( Bloch & Schneider , 1801)

The shaggy or hispid frogfish ( Antennarius hispidus ) lives in the Indo-Pacific from the coast of East Africa via India , Malaysia to the Moluccas , north to Taiwan , south to the coast of northern Australia . There is a single find in Fiji . It seems to be absent on the coasts of oceanic islands in the Indian Ocean . They live there in water depths of 10 to 200 meters.


Hispid frogfish grow to be about 18 to 20 centimeters long. Their color varies, is usually brown, ocher or yellow. Short, black or brown lines that radiate from the eye and pectoral fins pattern the fins, head and sides. The belly is usually without a pattern. The “Illicium” (angel) formed from the first ray of the dorsal fin is exactly as long as the second dorsal fin ray. The "Esca" (bait) consists of a tuft of filaments.

Fin formula : dorsal III / 13, anal 7

Way of life

The fish inhabit habitats with a muddy bottom between rock and coral reefs. They mainly stay in shaded areas. They lay their spawn in a ribbon-like, gelatinous mass. Their diet consists mainly of small fish and shrimp.


  • Hans A. Baensch , Robert A. Patzner: Mergus sea water atlas. Volume 6: Non-Perciformes (non-perch-like). Mergus-Verlag, Melle, 1998, ISBN 3-88244-116-X .
  • Ewald Lieske, Robert F. Myers: Coral fish of the world. 1994, year publisher, ISBN 3-86132-112-2 .
  • Dieter Eichler, Robert F. Myers: Coral fish Indo-Pacific. Jahr-Verlag GmbH & Co., 1997, ISBN 3-86132-225-0 .

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