Hubei College of the Arts

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The Hubei University of the Arts (Chinese: 湖北 美术 学院), known in the English-speaking world as the Hubei Institute of Fine Arts , is the oldest art school in China. It is one of the four most important art colleges alongside the Sichuan College of the Arts in Chongqing , the Central College of the Arts (中央 美术 学院) in Beijing and the Chinese College of Arts (中国 美术 学院) in Hangzhou .


The Hubei Institute of Fine Arts is located in Wuhan in the province of Hubei . It was founded in 1920 for the first time as a private institution under the name Wuchang College of Fine Arts . During the war with Japan, the college moved to Sichuan Province from 1937 to 1945 . After the war it was moved back to Wuchang. Since 1985 it has been called Hubei University of the Arts . Today it is the most important art college in the Chinese province of Hubei.


The most important subject areas include fine art and design . The fine arts department includes the following subjects: oil painting, sculpture, animation film, ceramics and printing technology. The design department includes the following subjects: fashion design, interior design and graphic design.

Important graduates of the university

Web links

See also