Nuremberg University of Economics and Social Sciences
The Nuremberg University of Economics and Social Sciences was founded in 1918 and was merged in 1961 as the "Economics and Social Sciences Faculty" at the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg .
Origins and initial situation
The origins of the Nuremberg Commercial College and thus the Nuremberg University of Economics and Social Sciences go back to the Nuremberg University of Altdorf , which was opened as an academy in Altdorf near Nuremberg in 1575 and elevated to a university in 1622. One of the reasons for founding the university in the Nürnberger Land was the mansions and castles of the Nuremberg patricians located there, such as Grünsberg Castle near Altdorf. After Nuremberg was incorporated into the Kingdom of Bavaria in 1806, the University of Altdorf was dissolved in 1809. The only university in the Protestant part of Franconia remained the University of Erlangen, founded in 1743.
Only in 1918 was another university founded in Nuremberg. After the failure of the plans for a technical college with an attached commercial science faculty, the idea of founding a commercial college was resumed in 1907. The city of Nuremberg founded the practice-oriented university on May 26 or 27, 1918 under the name "Free University for Trade, Industry and General Education" in the form of a foundation. At that time there were already seven similar institutions in Germany, the development of which was being closely followed in Nuremberg. On October 15, 1919, teaching began with 174 students and six female students in a former elementary school at Findelgasse 7. In 1920 the Nuremberg city council approved, and the commercial college was ministerially approved.
Time of the Weimar Republic
In 1925 it was equalized with other universities. At the same time, the name was changed to "Commercial College, University of Economics and Social Sciences, Nuremberg" and the school was given a Rectorate and Senate constitution. It was with her that Wilhelm Rieger and Wilhelm Vershofen founded the “Nuremberg School”, which became known for the unity of economics and social sciences, which was unique at the time. In 1930 the university was granted the right to award doctorates , and from 1931 the right to qualify for a habilitation in economics and social sciences. One of the most sustained successes of the Nuremberg professors was the founding of what would later become the Society for Consumer Research (GfK) in Nuremberg in 1934 . One of the graduates of the commercial college is Ludwig Erhard , who later became Federal Minister of Economics and Federal Chancellor and studied, researched and taught at the college.
Hindenburg University: The university in the time of National Socialism
During the Third Reich, the range of lectures was expanded to include the subject “People and Race”. On May 10, 1933, the name was changed to "Hindenburg University (University of Economics and Social Sciences)".
After the Second World War
After the Second World War, only three from the time before the end of the war remained at the university due to the denazification of the teaching staff of over 30 lecturers. The reconstruction of the destroyed Kollegienhaus at Findelgasse 7 was completed in 1952. Due to the increasing number of students, an extension was built in Findelgasse 9 by 1955.
Karl Valentin Müller brought Richard Korherr to the university as a lecturer from the winter semester 1959/60 to the summer semester 1962 ( lecturer at Müller's chair). Korherr was head of the statistical department in the SS main office and in 1943 with his report (so-called Korherr report ) to Heinrich Himmler statistician of the Holocaust (at that time referred to as the final solution to the Jewish question ).
Integration into the Erlangen University and further development
After the signing of a contract between the Free State of Bavaria and the city of Nuremberg on December 23, 1960, the Nuremberg University was incorporated into the University of Applied Sciences by ministerial decree of April 13, 1961 retroactively to January 1, 1961 as the "Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences" (WiSo Faculty) University of Erlangen incorporated, which was renamed "Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg" on this occasion. The economics and social science chairs of the political science seminar at the Philosophical Faculty of the University of Erlangen have been partially transferred to the new WiSo Faculty.
In 1966 the DFG- financed Institute for Social Research (SFZ) was opened, and Gerhard Wurzbacher was brought from Kiel to Nuremberg to lead it. The institute existed until the end of 2005 when it was closed after the retirement of its last director Manfred Stosberg .
The faculty has grown steadily since the 1970s, so that in 1977 a new building was inaugurated at Langen Gasse 20 (formerly Tucher garden property and from 1890 the seat of the Tucher brewery ). The faculty was further characterized by the unity of economics and social sciences, which was already maintained at the commercial college. WiSo has been a leader in the field of business informatics since the 1980s . In 1997/98 the first German course “International Business Administration” was introduced, in 2000 the international master’s course in International Business, and in 2004 the MBA advanced course in Business Management. In 2007 the Faculty was merged with the Law Faculty located in Erlangen to form the Law and Economics Faculty.
Web links
- Hans Proesler : The development of the German commercial colleges and the Nuremberg University of Economics and Social Sciences from 1919 to 1929 . Nuremberg: Hochschulbuchhandlung Krische & Co., 1929, 31 p. (Nuremberg contributions to economics; issue 18)
- Festschrift of the Nuremberg University of Economics and Social Sciences. On the occasion of the thirtieth anniversary of the founding day, Nuremberg 1949
- Fritz Voigt and Erich Schäfer (eds.): The Nuremberg University in the Franconian area 1955 . On behalf of the Senate on the occasion of the inauguration of the new Kollegienhaus of the Nuremberg University of Economics and Social Sciences in November 1955, Nuremberg: Glock u. Lutz, 1955, 245 pp.
- Friedrich Wilhelm Schoberth, Hermann Kellenbenz and Eugen Leitherer (eds.): Nuremberg University of Economics and Social Sciences 40 years. 1919-1959 . On the occasion of the anniversary celebration on February 26, 1960. Nuremberg: University of Economics and Social Sciences, 1960, 73 pp.
- Georg Bergler: History of the Nuremberg University of Economics and Social Sciences 1919 - 1961 . Nuremberg: Spindler; Volume 1: 1963, 431 p .; Volume 2: 1969, 416 pp.
- Gesa Büchert / Harald Fuchs / Peter Löw (eds.): Small history of a large faculty - 75 years of economics and social sciences in Nuremberg. Nuremberg: Self-published by the authors, c / o Susanne Löw, Lupinenweg 145, 90480 Nuremberg, 1994, 216 pages, ISBN 3-87191-201-8 (delivery from Edelmann Nuremberg bookshop)
Individual evidence
- ↑ Nordbayerischer Kurier: November 11, 1966: “State needs results” , November 11, 2011
- ^ FAU: Personnel reports 2005-11