Holger Michaelis

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Holger Michaelis (born February 14, 1942 in Halle ) is a German sociologist , economist and professor emeritus at the Humboldt University in Berlin .

Live and act

Holger Michaelis graduated from high school in 1961 and then studied sociology and economics at the Humboldt University in East Berlin in what was then the GDR . He also made a professional career at the Humboldt University; From May 1968 he worked there as a research assistant, in 1972 he received his doctorate and at the same time became senior research assistant and taught the subject of the history of sociology at the traditional Berlin university . In 1979 he was appointed director of education and training and acted as deputy director of the institute for sociology.

Main building of the Humboldt University in Berlin (1985)

Michaelis belonged to the "Institute for Marxist-Leninist Sociology" established at Humboldt University in 1979 , which on the one hand pursued a disciplinary professionalization of the scientists working there and on the other hand tried to catch up with international developments in sociology, insofar as the sustainable "ideological- political mistrust ”of the SED regime against“ everything sociological ”made this possible at all.

Michaelis is one of the scientists who "have significantly influenced and shaped the further development of sociology inside and outside the Humboldt University" (Helmut Wollmann).

The turn and the German reunification experienced Michaelis with even during his research and teaching activities. Due to the health consequences of a serious accident suffered in 1992, he left the university for good at the end of 1992. Meanwhile Michaelis is busy again with science; his current focus is on political economy and the consideration of economic influences on social change .

Holger Michaelis has two sons with Angela Michaelis. He lives and works in Berlin.


Michaelis carried out a series of fundamental surveys and sociological investigations, which have already been used several times for the scientific analysis of the social framework conditions, especially by young workers in the former GDR. This took place both in West German studies during the "GDR times", for example on the situation of young people or on domestic political conditions in the former GDR, and after the political change in the GDR .

For example, in an article in the Journal for Ostforschung , No. 1 (1975) published by the Johann Gottfried Herder Research Council , u. a. also cited and interpreted the research by Michaelis published in 1967 on the social integration of young people in (GDR) industrial companies. Also the author of a specialist article in the special issue sociology of science. Studies and materials from the Cologne journal for sociology and social psychology , published in 1975 by the Research Institute for Social and Administrative Sciences at the University of Cologne and published by Westdeutscher Verlag , refers several times to the research by Michaelis from 1967 and uses them. Issue 3/1975 of the Cologne journal for sociology and social psychology was published in 1977 under the title Jugend im doppelten Deutschland in a supplemented, revised and updated new edition as an independent book; this in turn contains several references to the work of Michaelis.

The political scientist Peter-Claus Burens engages in his dissertation from 1981 at the University of Bonn , which he published in the same year in the West Berlin science publisher Duncker & Humblot under the title The GDR and the “Prager Frühling” . a. also back to these investigations by Michaelis. The economist Wolfgang Zimmermann also took part in his dissertation from 2000 at the Ruhr University Bochum a . a. refers to the youth integration studies and their evaluation of Michaelis and cites Michaelis' comment on the results. Zimmermann's dissertation was published in 2002 under the title The industrial working world of the GDR under the primacy of socialist ideology in Lit Verlag in their series Studies on GDR society .

Publications (selection)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. See Hellmut Wollmann: Sociology at the Humboldt University between 1945 and 1991 . Planned contribution for: Rüdiger vom Bruch , Heinz-Elmar Tenorth (Ed.): 1810–2010 History of the University of Berlin. 200 years of the University of Unter den Linden . Akademie-Verlag, Berlin 2010, Volume VI. (In preparation) ( PDF file; 161 kB; last accessed: April 30, 2009).
  2. Hellmut Wollmann: Sociology at the Humboldt University between 1945 and 1991 . aoO, p. 21 ( PDF file; 161 kB; last accessed : April 30, 2009).
  3. ^ Johann Gottfried Herder Research Council (ed.): Journal for East Research . Verlag JG Herder-Institut, Marburg, Issue 1 (1975), ISSN  0044-3239 , p. 178ff.
  4. Nico Stehr et al. René König (Ed.) In the Research Institute for Social and Administrative Sciences at the University of Cologne : Cologne Journal for Sociology and Social Psychology, special issue . Westdeutscher Verlag, Wiesbaden 1975, ISBN 3-531-11326-7 , pp. 436ff., 449ff.
  5. Walter Jaide, Barbara Hille (Ed.): Youth in double Germany . Westdeutscher Verlag, Wiesbaden 1977, ISBN 3-531-11422-0 , p. 51ff., P. 64ff.
  6. Peter-Claus Burens: The GDR and the "Prague Spring". Significance and effects of the Czechoslovak renewal movement for the internal politics of the GDR in 1968 . Duncker & Humblot, West-Berlin 1981 (= contributions to political science; Vol. 41), ISBN 3-428-05018-5 , pp. 77ff.
  7. Wolfgang Zimmermann: The industrial world of work in the GDR under the primacy of socialist ideology . Lit Verlag, Münster u. a. 2002 (= studies on GDR society; vol. 8), ISBN 3-8258-5670-4 , p. 518ff.