Hoya blashernaezii

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Hoya blashernaezii
Hoya blashernaezii subsp.  siariae, postage stamp of the Philippines

Hoya blashernaezii subsp. siariae , postage stamp of the Philippines

Order : Enzianartige (Gentianales)
Family : Dog poison family (Apocynaceae)
Subfamily : Silk plants (Asclepiadaceae)
Tribe : Marsdenieae
Genre : Wax flowers ( hoya )
Type : Hoya blashernaezii
Scientific name
Hoya blashernaezii

Hoya blashernaezii is a plant of the genus of wax flowers ( Hoya ) of the subfamily of asclepiadoideae (Asclepiadoideae) in the family of Hundsgiftgewächse (Apocynaceae).


Hoya blashernaezii is an epiphytic perennial plant with twisting, thread-like shoots. The shoots are round in cross-section and measure approx. 1 mm in diameter. They are densely covered with lenticels , and the surface becomes unsightly and bark-like over time. The color changes from gray-green on fresh shoots to rusty brown. Adhesive roots are formed on the underside of the shoots that are resting on the branches. The leaves are long stalked, the petioles are curved. The curvature of the petiole is about 0.7 to 1.2 cm long, the straight portion 2.0 to 2.5 cm. The leaf blades are elliptical-lanceolate, up to 20 cm long and up to 5 cm wide. The apex is pointed, the base is wedge-shaped to almost rounded. The top is dark green and glossy, the underside matt and lighter green. The leaf veins are clearly visible and consist of three to five lighter leaf veins. The vegetative parts secrete a white milky juice when injured.

The umbel-shaped inflorescence hangs down and contains 10 to 35 flowers. The bare, in cross-section round inflorescence stalk is 12 cm long and has a diameter of 1.5 mm. The light yellow flower stalks are 2 to 2.5 cm long and thread-like. They are round in cross-section, the surface bare. The sepals are elongated triangular, approx. 1.5 mm long and 1 mm wide at the base. The corolla is bell-shaped, hairy on the inside, glabrous on the outside. The corolla is initially white, and then changes to yellow with increasing duration. The flower is somewhat thickened around the calyx. The corolla lobes are broadly triangular and pointed. They are about 4 mm long and 4.2 mm wide. The petals are fused in the lower 3/5. The diameter of the corolla is 1.6 cm when spread out. The secondary crown has a short stalk (0.5 mm) and a diameter of 1.3 mm at the base. The corolla lobes rise. The outer process is pointed and keeled on top. The inner process is short and serrated, and towers over the anthers. The pollinarium is short and clumsy. The pollinia are 410 µm long and 210 µm wide. The upper end is beveled inwards, the lower end is rounded. The outer edge is transparent. The caudiculae are very short 110 µm. The corpuscum is approx. 180 µm long and constricted in the middle. The head is 140 µm wide, the waist 70 µm and the hip 90 µm wide. The caudiculae start approximately in the middle of the corpusculum. The flowers are only open for a day before they die. According to Merdon-Bennack, however, they should last a week.

Similar Art

The species should be Hoya bordenii Schltr. very similar, but differs in the bell-shaped corolla. In Hoya palawanica Kloppenb. are the outer processes of the corolla lobes flat or bend slightly downwards.

The flowers only stay open for a day before they die. In this respect, Hoya blashernaezii resembles the Hoya camphorifolia Warb. The clumsy pollinarium is reminiscent of the pollinarium of Hoya cagayanensis Burton.

Geographical distribution and habitat

The range of the species is restricted to the island Catanduanes (Philippines).


The taxon Hoya blashernaezii was described by Robert Dale Kloppenburg in 1999. The holotype is kept in the Herbarium of the Bishop Museum in Honolulu , Hawaii under the number # 97093. The species is named after Blas Hernanez, a Filipino plant collector who found the new species. The species is accepted online as a valid taxon by Plants of the World and is currently divided into the following subspecies:

  • Hoya blashernaezii subsp. aurantiaca Kloppenb. & G. Mend. (2017)
  • Hoya blashernaezii subsp. siariae (Kloppenb.) Kloppenb. (2014)
  • Hoya blashernaezii subsp. truncata Kloppenb. & G. Mend. (2017)
  • Hoya blashernaezii subsp. valmayoriana (Kloppenb., Guevarra & Carandang) Kloppenb., Guevarra & Carandang (2014)


The Philippine Post issued a postage stamp in 2011 showing Hoya siariae , which is now only a subspecies of Hoya blashernaezii .


  • Robert Dale Kloppenburg: Philippine Hoya Species. A monograph. Orca Publishing Co., Medforf, Oregon, 2004 Online at Biodiversity Heritage Library
  • Robert Dale Kloppenburg and Ann Wayman: The World of Hoyas - a pictorial guide. A revised version. 248 pp., Orca Publishing Company, Central Point, Oregon, 2007 ISBN 0-9630489-4-5 (pp. 66/67 siriae )
  • Surisa Somadee, Jens Kühne: Hoya 200 different wax flowers. 96 p., Formosa-Verlag, Witten 2011 ISBN 978-3-934733-08-4 (p. 31)
  • Anders Wennström, Katarina Stenman: The Genus Hoya - Species and Cultivation. 144 p., Botanova, Umeå 2008 ISBN 978-91-633-0477-4 (p. 123 siriae )

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Website of Simone Merdon-Bennack: Hoya blashernaezii Kloppenburg 1999
  2. ^ Robert Dale Kloppenburg: Hoya blashernaezii. Fraterna, 12 (1): 9-2, 1999 Online at Biodiversity Heritage Library
  3. Kew Science - Plants of the World online: Hoya blashernaezii Kloppenb.
  4. Robert Dale Kloppenburg, George Medoza: Hoya blashernaezii subsp. aurantiaca Kloppenburg & Mendoza. Hoya New 7 (2): 3-7, 2017 Online at Biodiversity Heritage Library .
  5. ^ Robert Dale Kloppenburg: Hoya siariae. Fraterna, 15 (3): 1-4, 2002.
  6. Robert Dale Kloppenburg: Hoya blashernaezii subsp. siriae (Kloppenburg) Kloppenburg. Hoya New, 2 (1): 50 (2014) Online at Biodiversity Heritage Library
  7. Robert Dale Kloppenburg: Hoya blashernaezii subsp. siariae Kloppenburg, subsp. nova. Hoya New 2 (2): 10-14, 2014 Online at Biodiversity Heritage Library
  8. Robert Dale Kloppenburg, George Mendoza: Hoya blashernaezii subsp. truncata Kloppenburg & Mendoza. Hoya New 7 (2): 9-14, 2017. Online at Biodiversity Heritage Library
  9. Robert Dale Kloppenburg, Maria Luisa D. Guevara, Jennelyn M. Carandang: Hoya blashernaezii Kloppenburg subsp. valmayoriana Kloppenburg, Guevarra & Carandang 2013, comb. nov. Hoya New 2 (2): 10, 2014 Online at Biodiversity Heritage Library
  10. Robert Dale Kloppenburg, Maria Luisa D. Guevara, Jennelyn M. Carandang: Hoya blashernaezii Kloppenburg subsp. valmayoriana Kloppenburg, Guevarra & Carandang 2013, comb. nov. Hoya New 2 (3): 4-10, 2014 Online at Biodiversity Heritage Library