Hubert Rösler (politician, 1900)

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Hubert Rösler (born February 27, 1900 in Hlinay , Kingdom of Bohemia , † December 14, 1981 in Waldkraiburg ) was a German local politician .


After completing secondary school , Rösler attended the state trade school in Reichenberg . He then studied at the Technical University in Prague , which he graduated in 1929 with the state master builder examination. In Hirschberg am See , where he also founded his family, he ran a construction company and a carpentry shop (hall roofs, roof trusses and bridges). He had six children with his wife Gertrud. He was a member of the Hirsberg am See planting and beautification association and the association “North Bohemian health resorts and summer resorts B. Leipa”.

In May 1945 Hubert Rösler was arrested because of his membership in the NSDAP , but there was no trial before the People's Court due to the lack of specific offenses. From the beginning of May 1945 to the beginning of August 1946 he was imprisoned in several internment camps (Böhmisch Leipa / Česká Lípa) and was able to move to West Germany at the end of October after a long period in the Soviet occupation zone. His wife and family were deported from Czechoslovakia to the Soviet-occupied zone (SBZ) on May 31, 1945, and his wife Gertrud was killed by a Soviet soldier near Merseburg in April 1946. After being expelled after the Second World War , he came to Waldkraiburg in Bavaria. His company was confiscated in 1945 and nationalized in 1948.

From April 1, 1950 to April 30, 1966 he was the first mayor of the newly founded municipality. During his tenure, the population of Waldkraiburg grew from 3,656 (1950) to 13,460 (1965) and was made a town in 1960.

During his time as mayor, 2,815 residential units were built (1607 of which were social housing and 1208 were privately financed). It was possible to establish a large number of businesses. While the turnover of the workplaces in Waldkraiburg was 25 million DM in 1950, this rose to 200 million DM by 1960. In 1954, the Eichendorf School was built as a primary school with 8 classes as the first school in the village and expanded to 12 classes in 1956. In 1957 the second school building with 17 classes, auditorium and gymnasium and in 1963 the third school building with 10 classes and the second gymnasium were built. In 1955 a middle school was added. Two kindergartens, a sports stadium with a soccer field and athletics facilities (1952), an outdoor pool with a 2800 m² pool (1951) and the 5.5 hectare forest cemetery (1950) were built during his tenure, as was the fire station, the rescue station of the Red Cross and two old people's homes. The development of the place under Hubert Rösler can also be seen in the municipal income, which rose from 122,016.46 in 1950 to 5,514,649.25 DM in 1963.


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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Announcements of the Sudetendeutsches Archiv, issues 98-100, p. 45.
  2. ^ Reichenberger Zeitung , March 16, 1930, p. 7: From baths and summer holidays.
  3. ^ Reichenberger Zeitung , March 26, 1935, p. 7: Travel and baths.
  4. Hubert Rösler's letters to his family
  5. Vyhláška ministra průmyslu ze dne 27. června 1948 o znárodnění podniků podle zákona č. 114/1948 Sb. , J: Podle § 1, odst. 1, č. 16 tohoto zákona, poněvadž jde o podniky pro tovární výrobu montovaných a polomontovaných staveb, jejich Konstrukcí nebo dílců: 7. Ing. Hubert Rsler, výroba nábytku, se sídlem v Doksech, spr. okr. Dubá.
  6. Harald Greiner: The chances of new cities in the structure of centrality, taking into account neighboring grown cities, 1995, ISBN 3881430512 , p. 42
  7. ^ Otto Schütz: The new cities and communities in Bavaria; 1967, pp. 59-71