Hubert Schöllgen

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Hubert Schöllgen (born February 23, 1897 in Düsseldorf , † 1978 in Wuppertal - Elberfeld ) was a German painter and sgraffito technician.

Schöllgen initially studied at the AK Düsseldorf. Later he moved to Berlin to Emil Orlik and Thorn-Prikker. After that he worked mainly as a painter and graphic artist in Düsseldorf and Essen. Since he was not dependent on patrons and exhibitions due to his financial situation, he often chose his motifs willfully.

Numerous books used Schöllgen's graphically designed drawings, vignettes and woodcuts for illustration. The archive of the artists' association Malkasten in Düsseldorf has some of its exhibits.


  • Sankt Aegidius, window in the choir, Bonn- Bushdorf
  • Herz-Jesu-Kirche, crucifixion group above the altar (1938), Torgelow an der Uecker
  • Cecilien-Gymnasium, Turmhahn (around 1958), Düsseldorf-Niederkassel