Huberta von Gumppenberg

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Huberta Paula Irene Hildegard Maria Freiin von Gumppenberg (born February 17, 1910 in Regensburg ; † July 14, 1999 in Munich ) was a German social worker, religious educator and first chairwoman of the Bavarian State Association of Catholic Day Care Centers and Childcare Institutions (today: Bavarian State Association of Catholic Day Care Centers für Kinder eV ) and chairwoman of the professional association of Catholic social workers in Bavaria.

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She was the third and youngest child of Hans Freiherr von Gumppenberg and his wife Hedwig, geb. Countess von Wolff-Metternich to the canal. At the age of 16 she joined the regional association of the Catholic German Women's Association , in which she was involved for life. From 1931 to 1933 Hubertha von Gumppenberg attended the social and charitable women's school founded by Ellen Ammann in Munich . After her training, she became an employee in the office of the Caritas Association of the Archdiocese of Munich and Freising . There she worked with Father Rupert Mayer . In 1937, the baroness was elected first chairwoman of the Bavarian regional association of catholic day care centers and childcare facilities . After 40 years she resigned the honorary 1st chairmanship because she a. could no longer identify with the future design of the kindergarten by the regional association . In addition, from 1937 she was chairwoman of the professional association of Catholic social workers in Bavaria.

During the Nazi dictatorship, Huberta von Gumppenberg was a thorn in the side of those in power, especially since she was in close contact with Gertrud Luckner , who often stayed at the Caritas headquarters in Munich and stayed with the Freiin. She also openly professed her Catholic faith. In 1940, at the beginning of the war, she wrote the very courageous words that God is the Father of all of us because he has given us life, as Creator and once again in abundant riches in the redemption of Christ. In this thought of the fatherhood of God lies at the same time security against every enemy 'hatred' from which we must protect the children .

She had close relationships with Father Rupert Mayer SJ, of whom she took a photo that was widely circulated in the Caritas Collection. Also to Father Franz-Josef Müller SJ, with whom she founded the "Newman Haus" student residence in Munich and who ran it for decades.

In addition to her social commitment, the noblewoman also spoke and written for the kindergarten , in particular for the religious education of the kindergarten child. She was a highly esteemed speaker, especially in the 1970s, when the kindergarten was in the crossfire of criticism.

From 1970 to 1976 she was a member of the Synod of German Catholicism.



  • Caritas in the war. In: Children's home. H. 1, 1940.
  • The child's way to God. in: Children's home. H. 1, 1948, pp. 5-14
  • Don't get confused. In: Caritasdienst 1969, issue 9/10
  • Upbringing the Small Child - Quo vadis? In: Caritasdient 1972, no. 4
  • Thoughts and reads on religious education. In: Bayerischer Landesverband kath. Kindertagesstätten eV (ed.): Religious education. Practice and Bible Study. Munich 1975.
  • Looking back on 70 years of the regional association. The kindergarten swing. In: Jubilee newspaper Bavarian State Association of Catholic Day Care Centers, 1987
  • Protected by the sign of Caritas - memories of an 80 year old of Caritas work around 1935. In: Caritasdienst 1990, no. 2
  • Memories of Dr. Gertrud Luckner. In: Caritasdienst. 1995, no.4
  • My Jew from Reitmorstrasse - or: I have omitted good. In: Münchner Kirchenzeitung March 12, 1995


  • Manfred Berger : Leading women in social responsibility: Hubertha von Gumppenberg. In: Christ and Education. H. 1, 2003.
  • Gudrun Neugebauer: Huberta von Gumppenberg and her contribution to the Catholic kindergarten in Bavaria. Unpublished thesis. Augsburg 2002.
  • Manfred Berger:  GUMPPENBERG, Hubertha Paula Irene Hildegard Maria Freiin von. In: Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon (BBKL). Volume 20, Bautz, Nordhausen 2002, ISBN 3-88309-091-3 , Sp. 683-688.
  • Manfred Berger, women in the history of kindergarten: Huberta von Gumppenberg. In: Kindergarten Pedagogy - Online Manual
  • Erika Gäble, Interview - Member of the Women's Association for 70 years, Woman in Life, 12/1996
  • Ursula Seidl, 70 years in the service of children and families. In: Caritasdienst 1988, no. 1
  • Anonymous, Lead to awe and respect for God. In: Münchner Katholische Kirchenzeitung, January 17, 1988
  • Levin Freiherr von Gumppenberg, History of the Barons von Gumppenberg, 1981

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Individual evidence

  2. Andreas Schaller: A rose to say goodbye. Contemporary witnesses remember Father Rupert Mayr, Munich 1996
  3. Neugebauer 2002, p. 78
  4. cf. Neugebauer 2002, p. 34 ff.
  5. Gumppenberg 1940, p. 15