Hugo Wehrle

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Hugo Wehrle (born July 19, 1847 in Donaueschingen ; † March 29, 1919 in Freiburg im Breisgau ) was a German violinist, music director, composer and music teacher.


Wehrle studied from the age of 4 to 12 with his father, who was a member of the Fürstlich Fürstenbergische Hofkapelle. Then the boy was given to Ferdinand David at the Leipzig Conservatory for further training and, after two more years, to Jean-Delphin Alard at the Conservatoire de Paris , where he also studied for two years. In 1865 he got his first job as first violinist in the Weimar court orchestra . In 1868 he joined the Württembergische Hofkapelle Stuttgart , where he worked for 30 years as music director at Edmund Singer's side . Due to a handicap, he was forced to give up this position and take early retirement. In 1898 he moved to Freiburg , where he took over the upper class of violin playing and the management of the ensemble class at the local conservatory under the direction of Carlo del Grande .

One of his students was Karl Bleyle (1880–1969).


  • From old times. Collection of small pieces by old masters arranged for the violin and accompanied by a piano by Hugo Wehrle . Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel, undated
  • Romance in the Hungarian way for violin with accompaniment of the pianoforte . Leipzig: Schuberth, 1877.
  • 4 Hungarian dances for violin with accompaniment of the pianoforte . Leipzig: Schuberth, 1877.
  • Ballad for violin and pianoforte , op.5. Leipzig: Peters, 1880.
  • Six small performance pieces for violin with accompaniment of the pianoforte , op.14. Freiburg i./B .: Ruckmich, 1904.
  • Melody . Collection of small masterpieces for violin with pianoforte in free arrangement by Hugo Wehrle. Berlin: Ries & Erler.
  • Witiges , King of the Ostrogoths , musical drama
  • Artist pranks , operetta
  • In the Bremen Ratskeller , ballet



  • Wehrle, Hugo . In: Friedrich Frick: Small Biographical Lexicon of Violinists. From the beginning of the violin to the beginning of the 20th century. Norderstedt 2009, p. 561 f. ISBN 978-3-8370-3907-8 ( limited preview in Google Book Search)

Individual evidence

  1. Friedrich Jansa: German sound artists and musicians in words and pictures. Leipzig: Friedrich Jansa, 1911, p. 782.