Edmund Singer (violinist)

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Edmund Singer ( Hungarian Ödön Singer ; born October 14, 1831 in Tata , Hungary , † January 23, 1912 in Stuttgart ) was a Hungarian violinist and violin teacher.


He first studied at the Budapest Conservatory with Ellinger. Then he went to Vienna and studied with J. Böhm . Singer made great concert tours through Europe, which produced a sensational success. On the recommendation of Franz Liszt , he became court concertmaster in Weimar in 1854. In 1861 he became court concertmaster in Stuttgart, where he was also a teacher at the conservatory. Martin Collin was a student of Singer . Singer founded the Stuttgart Tonkünstlerverein, and he made great contributions to the musical life in the Swabian capital.


  • Caprices, Etudes, Fantasies for violin
  • Large theoretical practical violin school in 2 volumes (with Max Seifriz )


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Karl von Stockmayer:  Seifriz, Max . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 54, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1908, pp. 310-313.