Hussin Kamaluddin

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Hussin Kamaluddin (also: Sultan Kamaluddin Malik Al Dzahir ) was the sixteenth Sultan of Brunei according to official counts . He succeeded his cousin Sultan Nassaruddin to the throne in 1710 and ruled until his abdication in 1730. After the death of Sultan Muhammad Alauddin in 1737, he came to power again and ruled until his final abdication in 1740, shortly before his death.


Origin and family

Hussin Kamaluddin was the son of Muhammad Ali , the 12th Sultan of Brunei. His three daughters, Raja Isteri Pengiran Anak Putri , Raja Isteri Pengiran Anak Noralam and Pengiran Isteri Pengiran Anak Bongsu were Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddin I. married.


The Sultan appointed in 1730 his son, Pengiran Bendahara Pengiran Anak Untong the Raja of Dumpil Meruntum , Sabah . During his reign, the Brunei Pitis became more widespread and gold coins were minted with a cat image and the title of the sultan, 'Sultan Kamaluddin Malik Al Dzahir'. These pitis are therefore also known as the Kuching Mas (Golden Cat). A civil war or a conflict with another regional kingdom ( Sulu ) may have occurred during his reign . This assumption is based on the presence of a royal plate armor on which the old royal emblem is placed.

Dutch reports

The Dutch of Batavia (today: Jakarta ) sent a letter to the ruler of Brunei on September 1, 1721. In the letter, the Dutch addressed the ruler as Paduka Seri Sultan Ma-Alam Malicu Mataram Lalulla Fil Alam (in translation: 'Malik al-Zahir Zillu'llahi fil-Alam). The Dutch may have included Mataram in the address because one of the sultan's wives was a princess of Mataram : Puteri Raja Buwono Maimun .


Mausoleum of Hussin Kamaluddin at Makam Di Luba .

Hussin Kamaluddin died in 1740. He was buried at Makam Di Luba in the vicinity of Bandar Seri Begawan . After his death he received the title Marhum Di Luba . His son-in-law Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddin I became his successor.

Individual evidence

  1. a b The gold Pitis coin of Sultan Husin Kamaluddin, the 16th Sultan of Brunei (1710-1730 and 1737-1740). - bruneiroyalfamily . Retrieved February 3, 2018.
  2. Sejarah Sultan-Sultan Brunei (PDF) Retrieved February 3, 2018.
  3. a b c Brunei 7 . Retrieved February 3, 2018.
  4. Instagram post by @bruneiroyalfamily • Dec 25, 2015 at 6:36 am UTC . Retrieved February 3, 2018.
  5. Topi besi Sultan Hussin Kamaluddin, Sultan Brunei yang ke 16. #sejarah #bruneiroyalfamily - bruneiroyalfamily . Retrieved February 3, 2018.
  6. Sarung tangan Sultan Hussin Kamaluddin, Sultan Brunei yang ke 16 ini secara keseluruhannya diperbuat - bruneiroyalfamily . Retrieved February 3, 2018.
  7. Baju besi milik Sultan Husin Kamaluddin, Sultan Brunei yang ke 16 . Retrieved February 3, 2018.
  8. a b Brunei 6 . Retrieved February 3, 2018.
predecessor Office successor
Nassaruddin Sultan of Brunei
Muhammad Alauddin
predecessor Office successor
Muhammad Alauddin Sultan of Brunei
Omar Ali Saifuddin I.