Ibrahim Abachta

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Ibrahim Abachta (* 1938 ; † February 11, 1968 ) was a Chadian politician who was attributed to Marxism-Leninism . He started his political career during the decolonization of Chad by France and later founded the militia FROLINAT , which was designed as a resistance against the first President of Chad, François Tombalbaye .


Abachta began his political career in 1958 when he joined the radical Muslim Chadian National Union (UNT) party . After the independence of Chad and the leadership of Tombababe, the party was banned in 1962. As a result, Abachta had to leave the country and tried to recruit supporters for the resistance in Accra and Algiers , which he initially failed. He then traveled to Cairo , where he was able to win some followers among Chadian students. However, the nucleus of the resistance turned out to be Sudan , where Abachta was able to recruit many supporters from among Chadian refugees.

Foundation of FROLINAT

At a congress in Nyala from 19. – 22. June 1966 it was decided to merge the resistance groups Chadian National Union (UNT) and Liberation Front of Chad (FLT) to form FROLINAT, of which Abachta became the leader. As early as 1967, FROLINAT was able to expand its area of ​​operation and gain a large number of new members.


On February 11, 1968 Abachta was killed in skirmishes with the Chadian army on the road between Goz Beida and Abéché . His death is considered a setback for the FROLINAT and the entire rebellion, as it caused them to lose their clear leader and as a result split up and fought among themselves.

Individual evidence

  1. EGH Joffe: The International Consequences of the civil war in Chad .
  2. Tchadenligne.com: Qui est Ibrahim Abatcha - TCHADENLIGNE.COM . ( over-blog.com [accessed May 10, 2018]).
  3. ^ EISA Chad: Defunct parties. Retrieved May 10, 2018 .