Icke & Er

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Chart positions
Explanation of the data
Really cool
  DE 95 03/11/2006 (1 week)

Icke & Er ( spelling ICKE & ER ) is a rap duo that became known through a self-made music video entitled Richtig Geil .

Origin and public relations

According to their own information, the members of the duo come from Berlin-Spandau and their real names are Thomas Hilfinger (Icke) and Ronny Schneider (Er). In contrast, the Hamburger Morgenpost and the Berliner Kurier claim that the two are two Hamburgers from the advertising industry. The Hamburger Morgenpost justifies this with the fact that the duo can be seen in the video clip for "Richtig Geil" with a car with a Hamburg license plate.

The duo initially refused personal interviews, as described in the song Wer ick bin , had the questions submitted in writing and then responded by tape, MP3 file or video. Although the musicians were invited to TV shows and galas several times, they did not accept any of these invitations.

Start with really cool

The rap duo published the video for their song Richtig geil on Myspace . The song has been downloaded tens of thousands of times. This unexpected success brought Icke & Er numerous press articles and television reports, although by the end of October 2006 not even a single by the duo had been released.

The video shows Icke & Er in the style of a gangsta video in front of high-rise facades or, in an ironic contrast, on a children's swing. The song is characterized by the use of a broad Berlin dialect and only lists what the duo thinks “rischtisch cool”, for example: B. good mood, sausages or bad mood.

Quote from the lyrics:

"Jibt et Rüppe with Jemüse so ick really cool
Jibt et correct bratwurst - I think I really cool"

Richtig Geil was released as a CD on October 20, 2006 by the record label Four Music and entered the German Top 100 for a week on November 3, 2006 (95th place).

First album Mach et Einfach! and tour and farewell

On June 22nd, 2007 their first album Mach et Einfach! at Four Music . The second single was Keen Hawaii . Neither the second single nor the album made it into the charts. The song Keen Hawaii is about the fact that nobody needs Hawaii - you could just stay in Berlin, that's the same, if not better.

In February 2008 Icke & Er went on their only tour with the title You say Tachchen, we say bye . After the final concert in the Berlin Postbahnhof in front of more than 1,600 spectators, they said goodbye to the professional and commercial music scene.

In their farewell song Exit Strategy , the musicians thank their fans and explain that they enjoyed the time, but now want to be able to "chill" and sleep in again. But it also goes on to say: "I can't be so strict, a comeback must be possible."

On December 5th, 2008 Icke & Er had a short appearance at the last concert of Knorkator . A further relationship exists to Bela B . Icke & Er can be seen with him in a ten-minute YouTube video. The content is the entertainment at a Spandau snack bar.

After 2010

At the end of May 2010 Icke & Er reported back with a "non-comeback" album called LIBE . As the duo announced, it contains 17 tracks, some of which were created during their first and only tour. In self-distribution and under the self-founded label Starlight Musik , the album has been available in several versions since May 28, 2010 on the duo's homepage.

The first song from the album, Meine Stars , was posted on SoundCloud on May 21, 2010 - and, like their debut, spread exclusively through word of mouth on Facebook , Myspace and Twitter .

Icke & Er are staging the musical ICKE - The Opera at the Volksbühne Berlin .

On August 30, 2012, Icke & Er gave their only concert at Kater Holzig in Berlin's Friedrichshain district .

In July 2013 the song Wattislosmitmir was released with the music producer Siriusmo . It belongs to Siriusmo's album Enthusiast .

The song can make it yourself by Deichkind are represented He Icke &. The accompanying video was released in June 2015.

On December 14, 2015, they announced on Facebook that they would play “the last anniversary concert of all time” on November 11, 2016 in Berlin.

On October 28, 2016, Icke & Er released their album Greatest Hits - The Sky is der Himmel on Four Music.

On July 29, 2017, Icke & Er appeared as the opening act for Deichkind in the Kindl-Bühne Wuhlheide.

social commitment

On July 19, 2009, Icke & Er presented together with Bela B. “The great donation gala - Ein Hartz for Berlin” in the Spandau Citadel . They stepped themselves and other artists such as B. Clueso , KIZ and Michael Hirte and donated the money raised to the Berliner Tafel .



  • 2007: Just do it!
  • 2010: LIBE
  • 2016: Greatest Hits - The Sky is heaven


  • 2006: Really cool
  • 2007: Keen Hawaii

Individual evidence

  1. Charts DE
  2. a b Official Facebook page of Icke & Er
  3. Article in: Hamburger Morgenpost
  4. Interview with Spiegel Online , November 15, 2006
  5. News on ickeunder.de
  6. Album announcement on Facebook, May 26, 2010
  7. Icke & Er - My Stars at Soundcloud, May 21, 2010
  8. Information ( Memento of the original from April 13, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. on the website of the Volksbühne at Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.volksbuehne-berlin.de
  9. https://www.facebook.com/ickeunderberlin/videos/vb.265130319507/10153796150374508/?type=2&theater
  10. https://www.facebook.com/ickeunderberlin/photos/a.398007094507.169533.265130319507/10154677420424508/?type=3&theater