Ida von Plettenberg-Lenhausen

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Ida von Plettenberg-Lenhausen and to Bergstrasse (* around 1603 , † 1671 ) was the abbess of the mixed denominational women's monastery Fröndenberg .


Fröndenberg, gable wall of the abbess house; Inscription: Ida von Plettenberch Abdissin Anno 1661

She came from the Lenhausen branch of the von Plettenberg noble family . Her father was Christian von Plettenberg zu Lenhausen and Bergstrasse (1576–1646). The mother was Anna (née Vogt von Elspe zu Borghausen and Bamenohl ). Her siblings were Christian von Plettenberg (1612–1687) and Bernhard (1616–1679). A large part of the family converted to the Reformed faith in the course of the Reformation . In the course of the re-Catholicization and Counter-Reformation in the Electoral Cologne Duchy of Westphalia after the Truchsessian War , many members of the nobility converted to Catholicism. Ida's father also took this step. Her brother Christian became a cathedral scholar in Münster . She herself remained loyal to the Reformed denomination.

It is not known whether she was already living in Fröndenberg Abbey at the time of her father's conversion. She was first mentioned in writing as a reformed canon in 1624. In November 1653 she was elected abbess after her predecessor Gertrud von Laer resigned from office in order to get married.

Relief on the abbey building

During her abbatial, the construction of a new abbey building began in the late 1650s. The abbess raised the funds herself. The construction was completed in 1661. Construction came to a standstill at times, possibly because Ida von Plettenberg increased the dowry of her goddaughter Maria Ida von Plettenberg-Lenhausen, daughter of her brother Bernhard, by 2000 thalers.

Her name can still be read on the south gable of the abbey building she built. Translated, the inscription reads “ Ida von Plettenberg from Lenhausen and Bergstrasse, Abbess in Fröndenberg, let me build it with my own resources.” There is also a communion chalice that Ida von Plettenberg donated to the Reformed community. Her tombstone in the Fröndenberg collegiate church has been preserved and is now behind the baptismal font on the north wall of the choir.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Regest of the document from 1663


  • Jochen von Nathusius: On the origin and family of Ida von Plettenberg von Lenhausen and Bergstrasse (around 1603-1671), 1653-1671 abbess of the Fröndenberg / Ruhr women's monastery. In: Südwestfalenarchiv, vol. 2008, pp. 83–88