Idaea filicata

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Idaea filicata
Idaea filicata

Idaea filicata

Order : Butterflies (Lepidoptera)
Family : Spanner (Geometridae)
Subfamily : Sterrhinae
Tribe : Sterrhini
Genre : Idaea
Type : Idaea filicata
Scientific name
Idaea filicata
( Huebner , 1799)

Idaea filicata is a butterfly ( moth ) fromthe Spanner family (Geometridae).


The moths reach a wingspan of 12 to 21 millimeters; the second generation is usually much smaller and only reaches a maximum of 17 millimeters. The basic color and the drawing are somewhat variable. The basic color of the wings is light white to creamy white. The basal half of the forewings to the middle band is usually completely dark, more rarely light brown to almost dark gray. Occasionally the inner transverse line is created a little lighter and thus stands out in the basal area. In some specimens, the root field is kept in the basic color and only the field between the inner and middle transverse line is dark. The brown basal fields extend to the discal patches, which vary slightly in size. On the hind wings the basal fields are often a little lighter colored or, more often than on the forewings, kept in the basic color. In the latter case, the middle transverse line is then often indicated by a row of dots. The discal spots lie just within the basal field, are flowed around or are minimally towards the edge. On the hind wing, however, they are always clearly outside (towards the edge) of the basal field. The edge of the basal field is usually more or less clearly jagged. The outer transverse line is practically extinguished. It is accompanied by a gray shadow towards the hem. A black costal spot is formed where the outer transverse line touches the front edge, which is sometimes broken up into smaller spots. There is also a dark spot at the point of contact with the inner edge. On the hind wing, the outer transverse line can appear more clearly through rows of dots. The fringing area sometimes shows another gray shadow roughly in the position of the wavy line, especially on the hind wings. The fringes are usually kept in the basic color or slightly darker.

The brownish caterpillar is relatively short and compact. It has clear constrictions, the back and sides are covered with bristles. The back line and the side back line are indistinct and often interrupted. In contrast, the yellow side line is usually drawn more clearly. The head is light brown.

The doll is brown with a matt finish. The Kremaster is relatively small and trimmed at the end. The three pairs of bristles are curved like a hook.

Occurrence and habitat

The distribution of Idaea filicata is typically southern European. Only in Hungary , in the east of Austria and in the southern Czech Republic does the geographic occurrence extend into Central Europe . In the east the distribution area extends to Asia Minor , Syria , Lebanon , northern Iraq and Iran . In 2008 the species was also detected in eastern Turkey on the Black Sea.

The species occurs from the lowlands to heights of 800 meters on warm slopes and the Mediterranean maquis . In exceptional cases, the species has already been observed at 1,400 meters above sea level, in southwest Asia even above 2,000 meters.

Way of life

The species forms two to three generations per year, whose moths fly from May to September. The caterpillars eat, among other things, dried or withered parts of carnation ( Dianthus ) and speedwell ( Veronica ). The breeding also succeeded with bird knotweed ( Polygonum aviculare ) and common dandelion ( Taraxacum officinale ).


The species was first scientifically described by Jacob Huebner in 1799 under the name Geometra filicata . Due to the differences in the drawing, several formae have been described, but they have no nomenclatory status.


Individual evidence

  1. Jan Pactočka: The pupae of the tensioners (Lepidoptera, Geometridae) Central Europe: subfamily Sterrhinae. Bonn zoological contributions, 51 (4): 269-296, Bonn 2002 ISSN  0006-7172 PDF ( Memento of the original from May 17, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (2.9 MB) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. ^ Feza Can: The Geometrid Moths (Lepidoptera) from the Middle and Eastern Black Sea Regions of Turkey. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 32: 351-358, Ankara 2008 PDF


Web links

Commons : Idaea filicata  - album with pictures, videos and audio files