Ideal operator

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In abstract algebra , an ideal is a subset of an algebraic structure with at least one multiplicative two-digit operation that is closed with respect to products with elements from the entire structure.

The ideals of the same type on a given algebraic structure always form a system of envelopes called the ideal system . For every ideal system there is always a corresponding envelope operator (and vice versa), that is the corresponding ideal operator .

For the sake of simplicity, only the commutative case is described here. If one waives the commutativity of the multiplication, then the following are left ideals , and if the left and right factors are swapped for each product , right ideals result accordingly . Bilateral ideals, or just ideals, are both left and right ideals. In commutativity, there is no difference between these three types of ideals.

Ring ideals

Number-theoretical investigations of number ranges , in which a clear prime factorization of elements was no longer given, led to the development of the "classical" ideal theory for commutative rings .


If a ring, then a ( Dedekind's ) ideal or ideal is the carrier set of a subgroup of for which:


  • The ideals of a ring are precisely the kernels of the ring homomorphisms of the ring.
  • The ideals of a ring each form an envelope system , so that the ideals are given by the associated envelope operator .


General ideal operators

Since, as a rule, only the respective associative two-digit operation is decisive for the factorization (the non-associative case is not dealt with below), it is sufficient for a general ideal theory to consider semigroups:

In the following, a commutative multiplicative semigroup is always given , and it is

the complex multiplication over , where is the power set of .

then forms a commutative, associative, complete multiplicative lattice with a zero element .


It should now

be an envelope operator on , with the property that

Then, a -Idealoperator or shortly operator on called, which is -Idealsystem or system to a means -ideal and is of produced -Great . denotes of generated -ideal and is of generated - principal ideal .


  • is usually not an ideal, but because it is advantageous for ideal arithmetic, it should also be a spurious main ideal here , if .
  • To distinguish between ideals and any subsets of , the ideals, in contrast to any subsets, are given a corresponding index in the following.

Ideal associations

Up are two two-digit operations

given so that it forms a complete association , the association of the ideals of . It is the -Idealverbindung , the -Idealdurchschnitt .

As for all envelope systems, the following also applies to every ideal system:

Algebraic Idea Operators

is algebraic if and only if is algebraic , that is


Denotes the power of the crowd , then exists with

always an algebraic -idea operator to it .

x ideal operators

The ideal multiplication

has the property characteristic of ideals

In general, however, it does not yet offer enough properties to be able to investigate properly. On the other hand, the following class of ideal operators has proven to be well suited for a general ideal theory .


So-called -Idea operators or -operators are -Idea operators in which translations

As with topological closure operators, " continuous " are :

with for each and everyone .


  • With every -idea operator there is also an -idea operator.
  • For every -ideal operator on even follows
  • The two-sided ideals of a semigroup are exactly the kernels of certain semigroup homomorphisms of , and it holds
  • A two-sided ideal system forms a (commutative,) associative, quasi-logical and complete multiplicative association .
  • Likewise, for two-sided ideals there is such a multiplicative lattice, which is also always algebraic.


  • Any -ideal operator always induces an -ideal operator, so that -ideal operators are also of a very general nature.
  • Another, more abstract approach to a general ideal theory is the description of ideal systems using appropriate multiplicative associations.
  • As a rule, terms from “classical” ideal theory, such as maximum ideal , prime ideal , etc., can be used for -ideals without any problems .

r -Ideal operators


An -Ideaoperator auf is an -Idealoperator, which is also translation closed , so

and for which also applies:


  • For every translation-completed -ideal operator on even follows
  • If a unit has 1, then every translation-completed -idea operator is already an -idea operator and
  • is also an ideal operator.
  • Every two-sided main ideal is a multiplication ideal , that is
  • A two-sided one can be shortened , so
if in can be shortened .


  • Ideal systems have all the essential properties of the ideal systems of rings, which is why they allow a good investigation of the divisibility relationships in .


  • H. Examiner: Investigations into the divisibility properties of bodies . In: J. reine angew. Math. Band 168 , 1932, pp. 1-36 .
  • K. E. Aubert: Theory of x-ideals . In: Acta Math. Band 107 , 1962, pp. 1-52 .
  • I. Fleischer: Equivalence of x-systems and m-lattices . In: Colloquia Mathematica Societatis Janos Bolyai . 33. Contributions to Lattice Theory, Szeged, 1980. North Holland , Amsterdam / Oxford / New York 1983, pp. 381-400 .
  • P. Lorenzen: Abstract foundation of the multiplicative ideal theory . In: Math. Z. Band 45 , 1939, pp. 533-553 .
  • M. Ward, R. P. Dilworth: The lattice theory of ova . In: Ann. Math. Band 40 , 1939, pp. 600-608 .
  • L. Fuchs :: Partly ordered algebraic structures . Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht , Göttingen 1966.
  • G. Birkhoff: Lattice Theory . 3. Edition. American Mathematical Society , Providence (R. I.) 1973.