Ili National Army

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Ili National Army
伊犁 军
Military strength by person
Military age
Available population capable of military service
Available population fit for military service
Number of people who reach military age each year
Active soldiers
Share of soldiers in the total population
Defense budget
Share in GNI

Ili Jun , the Ili National Army ( Chinese  伊犁 军 , Pinyin yī lí jūn , Ili National Army) was the army of the Republic of East Turkestan (ETR).


It was created on April 8, 1945. Elihan Tore was Marshal of the INA until he was kidnapped by the Soviets in the Soviet Union and held captive. Abdulkerim Abbas served as political director. The army originally consisted of six regiments: Suidun Infantry Regiment, Ghulja Regiment, Kensai Regiment, Ghulja Reserve Regiment, Kazakh Cavalry Regiment, Dungan Regiment , Artillery Subdivision, Xibe Subdivision, Mongolian Subdivision. The latter two were later converted into regiments. The motorized part of the army consisted of an artillery subdivision with 12 guns, two armored vehicles and two tanks. The regiments were mainly equipped with German weapons, which were supplied by the Soviet Union on Stalin's orders . There was general mobilization for all ethnicities, with the exception of the Chinese in the Ili zone .


The commanders were trained in the Soviet Union. Later 42 fighter planes were added, which were captured in Ghulja at the Kuomintang airfield and repaired by Soviet technicians. These planes took part in the battles between the rebels and the Kuomintang over Shihezi and in Jinghe in September 1945.

In this battle both the Kuomintang military bases and the oil fields in Dushanzi were captured. Another Kuomintang plane was captured and some divisions advanced to the Manasi River to the north of Urumqi, causing panic in the city. The state offices were evacuated to Kumul . An offensive on the capital of Xinjiang was called off due to pressure from Moscow on the leadership of the rebels, who thereupon declared their consent to peace negotiations with the Kuomintang. Moscow ordered the National Army to stop firing at all borders. The first peace talks between the rebels and the Kuomintang followed Chiang Kai Shek's address on Chinese State Radio in which he offered "to peacefully resolve the Xinjiang crisis". The peace talks were moderated by the Soviet Union and began on October 14, 1945 in Urumqi.

The national army had between 25,000 and 30,000 soldiers. In accordance with the peace accords signed with Chiang Kai-Shek on June 6, 1946, the strength was reduced from 11-12,000 men and limited to military bases that were only in the three districts (Ili, Tarbaghatai and Altai). The units of the national army from the south of Xinjiang were withdrawn in the same way, whereby the strategically important old town of Aksu and the road from Urumqi to Kashgar became free. This gave the Kuomintang the opportunity to send 70,000 men between 1946 and 1947 and suppress the rebellion in the Pamirs .


On December 20, 1949, the Ili National Army merged with the People's Liberation Army (PLA) as the PLA's 5th Army Corps Xinjiang . As a result, however, the army was converted and its divisions were incorporated into the newly created Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps and disarmed. These national divisions were soon finally crushed and most of the officials imprisoned or executed if they could not escape to the USSR.

In September 1945 the Ili National Army had won decisive victories over the units of the Kuomintang troops in the Djungarian region . Two complete Kuomintang divisions of the National Revolutionary Army (approx. 25,000 men) were enclosed and completely wiped out. Only 6,000 soldiers and officers, plus seven generals who surrendered, remained alive. The battles in the Usu and Shihezi areas could only be won thanks to the heroism of the local soldiers and the experience of the Soviet military advisers, who actively intervened in the events. Heavy artillery and air bombing were used for the first time in the region to conquer the strategically important and oil-rich district.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Millward 2007 : 219
  2. (Chinese) 哈吉娅 • 阿巴斯, 宣传 党 的 民族 政策 —— 我 的 父亲 阿不都 克里木 · 阿巴索夫 (2) 中 直 育 英 同学 会 14. March 2014
  3. Unsuccessful attempts to resolve political problems in Sinkiang; Extent of Soviet aid and encouragement to rebel groups in Sinkiang; Border incident at Peitashan. (PDF)
  4. "East Turkestan Republic (1944-1949) in Sinkiang as part of Uyghur independence East Turkestan ." M. Kutlukov, Tashkent, 1958, Academy of Sciences of USSR
  5. "to peacefully resolve Xinjiang crisis"
  6. according to M. Kutlukov
