Abdulkerim Abbas

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Abdulkerim Abbas

Abdulkerim Abbas ( Abdul Kerim Abbas , Abdulkerim Abbasoff , Uighur ئابدۇكىرىم ئابباسوف Abdukirim Abbasof , Chinese  阿不都 克里木 • 阿巴索夫 , pinyin Ābùdūkèlǐmù • Ābāsuǒfū Abd al-Karīm 'Abbās ; * 1921 ; † August 27, 1949 ) was a Uighur leader in Xinjiang , Republic of China in the 20th century. He was one of those responsible for the Ili rebellion of 1944, which resulted in the establishment of the Second East Turkestan Republic (ETR,شەرقىي تۈركىستان جۇمھۇرىيىتى東突厥斯坦 共和國) in northern Xinjiang. Abbas was together with Ehmetjan Qasimi the leader of the Marxist group in the ETR. In 1946 the two postponed the rebellion's declaration of independence and allied with the forces of the Kuomintang to form a coalition government for the province. Qasim and Abbas led the ETR at the end of the Chinese Civil War to unite with Xinjiang under the Chinese Communists . She and several other ETR leaders died in a plane crash in August 1949 on the way to Beiping (Beijing). You had been invited to attend the Chinese Communist Political Consultative Conference, in which the People's Republic of China was founded. Abbas is officially revered as a revolutionary martyr in the PRC.



Abdulkerim Abbas was born in Przhevalsk, Soviet Union (today: Karakol , Kyrgyzstan ) in 1921 . His family came from Artux in the far west of Xinjiang and moved to Yining in 1926. Abba's education began in Uqturpan Elementary School in southern Xinjiang. Then he went to the Xinjiang Province No. 1 Middle School in the provincial capital Dihua (today: Urumqi ), 1936. The school was one of the first modern multi-ethnic schools in the region. Abbas learned Chinese and joined an anti-imperialist society led by members of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). In 1937 he met Saifuddin Azizi , who had just returned from exile from the Soviet Union and who provided him with books on Marxism-Leninism . In August 1938, Abbas entered the Xinjiang Academy high school and studied under the political science teacher Lin Jilu, a Chinese communist. Liu taught Abbas the Chinese language and the writings of Mao Zedong . Abbas read On Guerrilla Warfare and learned the stories of the People's Liberation Army and the Long March . In 1939 he took part in the Xinjiang Academy Summer Tour to Ili, which was led by the Academy President Du Chongyuan, and then toured his home region in western Xinjiang to agitate with Chinese Communist activists.

At this time, Sheng Shicai , the warlord of Xinjiang, who was originally well-disposed towards the Soviet Union, changed his political classification. He began to support the Nationalist Government (中華民國 國民 政府) and launched a persecution campaign against left-wing, pro-Soviet activities. Abbas' father was arrested and Abbas expelled from school. He was a teacher at a primary school after Shawan in Dzungaria sent. In Shanwan he translated Mao Zedong's essay On Protracted War (论 持久战) into Uygur. In 1942 he was allowed to return, where he first taught at Ili High School for girls and then worked as a translator for the local government.

Ili rebellion

In April 1944 Abbas founded the Yining Liberation Organization together with the influential Imam of Yining, Elihan Tore , as well as Rahimjan Sabir Khoja and nine others in order to liberate the region from the rule of the nationalists. To escape government surveillance, Abbas went to Korgas , where he received support and material aid from the Soviet Union. In September 1944, Sheng Shicai sought Stalin's favor again and was removed from the Nationalist Government. Sheng's resignation left a power vacuum, which led to several uprisings in northern Xinjiang.

In October 1944 Abbas returned to Yining with a guerrilla unit and on November 7, 1944 he started the Ili rebellion. Abbas and his Soviet adviser Peter Romanovich Alexandrov led 60 men who took the bridge over the Ili . Nationalist troops dispatched to retake the bridge were ambushed and the city was successfully cut off from government influence. More rebels from Nilka fought their way into the city and quickly gained control. Nationalist bases were taken with the support of Soviet aircraft and artillery. After the capture of Yining, the revolutionaries massacred large numbers of captured nationalists and Han Chinese residents.

The revolution was supported by Islamists, pan-Turkish nationalists and Marxists. It spread to the Ili Autonomous Region , Tarbagatai ( Tacheng ) and Ashan ( Altay ). On November 11, 1944, the revolutionaries founded the Second Republic of East Turkestan in Yining with Elihan Tore as chairman of the provisional government. Abdulkerim Abbas became Minister of the Interior.

In contrast to the Islamist and Turkish nationalists who wanted to establish a pan-Turkish regime in Xinjiang, Abbas saw the revolution as a struggle against the oppression by the nationalist Chinese and the capitalist exploitation of the working class of all races. He opposed the suggestion to expel all Han Chinese from Yining and in concentration camps in Künes . He issued orders to protect the Han Chinese residents of Ili and took the families of Chinese friends and co-workers to his own home for protection. After the fighting in Yining subsided, the ETR government set up an office for Han Affairs at his instigation to support the Chinese residents. She also published a Chinese magazine, reopened Han Elementary School, and established an orphanage for Han children.

On April 8, 1945, the various guerrilla and partisan units of the revolution were combined to form the Ili National Army (INA) and Abbas became political director. The INA was a multi-ethnic force led by Uyghurs, Kazakhs , Kyrgyz and Russians with Hui , Mongol and Xibe cavalry brigades and some Han Chinese recruits. With the support of Soviet advisers and military personnel, the INA launched a series of offensives to extend the ETR's sphere of influence beyond the Ili valley.

In July Abbas led the southern branch of the INA offensive to Aksu . Abba's troops captured the Tian Shan passes that connect the Ili Valley with the Tarim Basin in August, captured Baicheng on September 2nd, and captured Wensu on September 6th.

After the nationalist Chinese government and the Soviet Union signed the Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship and Alliance (中 蘇 友好 同盟 條約) of 1945 on August 14, 1945 , the USSR began, under international pressure, to withdraw support for the Ili rebels . In order to strengthen the negotiating position of the ETR, Elihan Tore ordered that the INA should accelerate its attacks in early September.

Abbas surrounded Aksu on September 7, but defenders of the nationalists under Zhao Hanqi resisted violently and broke the siege on September 13. Abba's brother, Siyiti Abbas, and other ETR activists captured in Aksu were executed by nationalists. Abbas resumed the siege in mid-September, reinforced by Soviet adviser Nasyrov and Tore's son, but after weeks of desperate fighting, he was forced to end the campaign on October 6th. Six days later, peace negotiations between the ETR and the nationalists began in Dihua. In February 1946 there was a peace treaty.

Coalition government

In July 1946, after further negotiations between Zhang Zhizhong of the nationalist Chinese government and Ehmetjan Qasimi of the ETR, the two parties agreed on a coalition government with Zhang as chairman and Qasim as deputy. Abdulkerim Abbas was appointed deputy-secretary general. Qasim and Abbas voted to suspend the ETR's declaration of independence. Elihan Tore was kidnapped from Xinjiang by agents of the Soviet Union. In December 1946 Abbas participated as a delegate from Xinjiang to the National Assembly (Republic of China) in Nanjing .

In Nanjing Abbas met in secret with Dong Biwu , a CCP delegate from Yan'an, and asked for support from the CCP. He said that the Xinjiang Communist Alliance had 15,000 members and that its leaders had tried to join the Communist Party of the Soviet Union but had not been given permission. Dong immediately wrote a telegram to Zhou Enlai , who replied that the CCP would like to seek cooperation with the Xinjiang Communist Alliance (新疆 共产主义者 同盟) and in principle agree to membership for leaders of the alliance. Abbas took documents from the 7th National Congress of the CCP and radio equipment on his return to Xinjiang. However, the radio was not strong enough to contact Yanan from Xinjiang, and the two communist groups were unable to maintain constant communication. Back in Xinjiang, the Democratic Revolution Party (民主革命 党) was formed from two Marxist organizations, namely the People's Revolutionary Party (人民 革命 党) and the Xinjiang Communist Alliance , under Abba's leadership . Abbas became the chairman of the DRP's Central Committee.

In 1947, after Zhang Zhizhong left the province, relations between the ETR groups and the nationalists fell apart. The chairman was Masud Sabri , whom the ETR leaders viewed as anti-Soviet. A civil war broke out between nationalists and Chinese communists in China and Manchuria . The nationalists convinced Osman Batur to resign a Kazakh leader from the Ili government. Qasim and Abbas then returned to Yining from Urumqi and openly supported the Chinese communists. On August 1, 1947, they founded the Union to Protect Peace and Democracy in Xinjiang (新疆 保卫 和平 民主 同盟), which included the DRP and other left-wing groups in Yining. Qasim was Chairman of the Union and Abbas served as a member of the Union's Central Committee.

In February 1948 Abbas brokered Mao Zedong's proclamation of the People's Liberation Army and the Uighur Disciplinary Code to the Ili National Army. When the Chinese communists won the civil war against the nationalists, Abbas moved the government of Ili closer to the CCP. In May 1949 he announced:

We categorically affirm that the success of the People's Liberation Army alone enabled the victory of our own movement. ... Only the victory of the national liberation struggle of the whole Chinese people can lead to full freedom for the peoples of Xinjiang; only then will the correct solution to the national question and Xinjiang be achieved.

In the late summer of 1949 , after Liu Shaoqi had visited Moscow and convinced Stalin to transfer Xinjiang to the CCP through political measures, Deng Liqun reached Yining on August 17 to establish contacts with the ETR leadership. Deng met with Qasim and Abbas and brought Mao Zedong's invitation to the Consultative Conference in Beiping (Beijing), which was accepted by the Ili leaders.


On August 22nd, Abdulkerim Abbas, Ehmetjan Qasim, Ishaq Beg Munonov , Dalelkhan Sugirbayev and Luo Zhi left Yining. They traveled to Almaty by car and on August 23 they flew to Novosibirsk , where they were stopped by severe weather warnings. The delegation, not wanting to miss the Beiping conference, insisted on continuing the trip and left Novosibirsk on August 25th. The plane crashed in difficult climatic conditions in the Lake Baikal region on August 26 and all occupants died. Abdulkerim Abbas was 28 years old at the time.

News of the accident reached Yining on September 3rd, and Saifudin Aziz led another delegation from the Ili government to Beijing on September 7th. This delegation flew from Yining to Chita and reached Beiping on September 15 by train via Manzhouli and Shenyang .


While working in the middle school for girls in Yining, Abbas fell in love with Yang Fengyi (杨凤仪), a colleague. They married contrary to Uighur tradition, which forbade connections with people of other faiths, and despite the refusal of Yang's father, the chairman of the local Han merchants' association. Abbas protected the Yang family in his home during the Ili Rebellion. When Abbas fell ill, Yang Fengyi nursed him to health for 40 days. In the spring of 1945, as the fighting between nationalists and the Ili rebels escalated, Yang Fengyi came under severe pressure from families and their social circle. In April she committed suicide with Abba's pistol. In a suicide note, she stated that she was a person who knew no ethnic boundaries, but that she could not endure the atrocities around her. Yang Fengyi wrote that she died for him and asked that he protect her family in order to continue to live "for her, for the revolution and for the people of all nationalities in Xinjiang." Abba's heart was broken by her death and he issued orders against the killing of civilians.

After Yang's death, Abbas married Lü Suxin (吕 素 新), a student of Yang. The couple had two sons and a daughter.


In China, Abdulkerim Abbas is revered as a martyr and hero in the fight against the nationalist regime. His remains were returned to China in April 1950 and later buried in the Yining Martyrs Memorial Cemetery. The cemetery has a stele with calligraphy by Mao Zedong praising Abbas and his comrades for their contributions to the revolution and mourning their deaths on the way to the inaugural meeting.


Individual evidence

  1. Benson 1990 : 197
  2. ^ Forbes 1986 : 180
  3. a b c d e f g h i j k l (Chinese) 周竞红, "阿不都克里木·阿巴索夫:用马克思主义武装起来的无产阶级战士"中国民族宗教网 ( memento from the 23rd March 2014 in the web archive archive.today )
  4. a b c (Chinese) 从 乌什 县 飞出 的 雄鹰 - 阿巴索夫 ( Memento from March 24, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) September 14, 2012
  5. a b c (Chinese) 哈吉娅 • 阿巴斯, 宣传 党 的 民族 政策 —— 我 的 父亲 阿不都 克里木 · 阿巴索夫 (1) 中 直 育 英 同学 会
  6. a b c d e f g (Chinese) 哈吉娅 • 阿巴斯, 宣传 党 的 民族 政策 —— 我 的 父亲 阿不都 克里木 · 阿巴索夫 (2) 中 直 育 英 同学 会
  7. (Chinese) 动荡 之 源 : 新疆 三 区 革命 的 国际 背景 «西域 研究» 2013 No. 3 ( Memento from August 30, 2014 in the web archive archive.today )
  8. (Chinese) 宋美龄 : 抗战 前 三年 苏联 给予 援助 是 英美 的 数倍 (2) ( Memento from March 24, 2014 in the Internet Archive )
  9. a b c d (Chinese) "历史 上 的 新疆 民族 军 : 新疆“ 三 区 革命 ”的 主力军 (1)" 新疆 哲学 社会 科学 网 ( Memento from March 24, 2014 in the Internet Archive )
  10. (Chinese) "历史 上 的 新疆 民族 军 : 新疆“ 三 区 革命 ”的 主力军 (2)" 新疆 哲学 社会 科学 网 ( Memento from March 24, 2014 in the Internet Archive )
  11. a b c (Chinese) 柴恒森 "阿巴索夫 和 汉族 人民 亲如一家" Tianshannet ( Memento from March 24, 2014 in the Internet Archive )
  12. a b (Chinese) "孤城 羌笛 - - 1945 年 的 新疆 阿克苏 之 战 (2)" ( Memento from March 24, 2014 in the Internet Archive )
  13. a b c d (Chinese) 孤城 羌笛 - - 1945 年 的 新疆 阿克苏 之 战 (4) ( Memento from March 24, 2014 in the Internet Archive )
  14. (Chinese) 孤城 羌笛 - - 1945 年 的 新疆 阿克苏 之 战 (3) ( Memento from March 24, 2014 in the Internet Archive )
  15. a b c (Chinese) 孤城 羌笛 - - 1945 年 的 新疆 阿克苏 之 战 (6) ( Memento from March 24, 2014 in the Internet Archive )
  16. Millward 2007 : 217-19
  17. Benson 1990 : 63, 70
  18. ^ Forbes 1986 : 196
  19. ^ Millward 2007 : 219
  20. Benson 1990 : 97
  21. a b c d e (Chinese) "历史 上 的 新疆 民族 军 : 新疆“ 三 区 革命 ”的 主力军 (6)" 新疆 哲学 社会 科学 网 ( Memento from March 24, 2014 in the Internet Archive )
  22. a b c (Chinese) 中国 历史 资料 选编 - 新疆 百科全书. 历史 政治 史 : 历史 事件 (十二) 民主革命 党 ( Memento from March 24, 2014 in the Internet Archive )
  23. a b (Chinese) 刘永 加, 新疆 因为 什么 ​​两次 组团 参加 新 政协 人民 政协 网
  24. We categorically assert that the success of the People's Liberation Army alone rendered possible the victory of our own movement. . . Only the victory of the national liberation struggle of the entire Chinese people can lead to the full freedom of the people of Xinjiang; only then will the correct solution of the national question in Xinjiang be reached. Forbes 1986 : 337 n.137
  25. a b c d e f (Chinese) 新 中国 和平 解放 新疆 内幕 (1) ( Memento from March 24, 2014 in the Internet Archive )
  26. a b (Chinese) 新 中国 和平 解放 新疆 内幕 (2) ( Memento from March 24, 2014 in the Internet Archive )
  27. (Chinese) 深受 毛泽东 器重 的 新疆 首 任 政府 主席 赛 福鼎 (1) ( Memento from March 24, 2014 in the Internet Archive )
  28. a b c d e f g (Chinese) "民国 新疆 传奇 三 女性" 新疆 文史 ( Memento from March 24, 2014 in the Internet Archive )
  29. (Chinese) 阿巴索夫 人物 志 ( Memento from March 24, 2014 in the Internet Archive )
  30. a b c (Chinese) "三 区 革命烈士 陵园 (三 区 革命 历史 纪念馆): 伊宁 市" 人民网 ( Memento from April 2, 2015 in the Internet Archive )