In the electromagnetic field

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In the electromagnetic field
Studio album from Keimzeit


May 11, 1998

Label (s) K&P Music / BMG

Format (s)


Genre (s)


Title (number)




Franz Plasa

Studio (s)

ICP Studio Brussels (Belgium)

Night performance
In the electromagnetic field Wait smart and calm

In the electromagnetic field is the fourth studio album (the fifth album in total) by the German rock music group Keimzeit .

History of origin

The songs were recorded from February to March 1998 in the ICP studio in Brussels (Belgium). The album was released two months later.

In the electromagnetic field , the band's discography marks the beginning of a new era: By working with the producer Franz Plasa , who also looked after the bands Selig and Echt , Keimzeit clearly turned away from their blues-rock roots and also renounced South American roots Rhythms that still set the tone at Bunte Scharte, and Plasa gave them a contemporary rock sound. Drum computers , loops and guitar overdubs were used, making the sound much more technical. The lyrics by front man Norbert Leisegang became more serious and thoughtful - childlike, naive or happy lines were completely missing.

Walther Thielsch, former singer from Palais Schaumburg , took care of the cover and booklet design.

On March 30, 1998, the single comic book heroes appeared in advance . After a short tour in April and May, the album was released on May 11, 1998. It reached number 32 in the German charts and stayed in the top 100 for a total of three weeks.

Guest musician

In addition to the above-mentioned line-up, Frank Braun (trumpet), Daniel Busch (horn), Frank Michiels (percussions), Franz Plasa (additional guitars and computer programming) and Djoum (computer programming) took part in the recordings of the album.


  • “Many a long-time Keimzeit fan is likely to get an electromagnetic beat when listening: rattling, distorted guitars cover the voice of Norbert Leisegang, mechanical drum attacks or casual hip-hop grooves determine the rhythm, it beeps, echoes and grumbles. No doubt, Keimzeit is now also looking for a connection to the sound of the late 90s. ”(Torsten Wahl in the Berliner Zeitung of May 6, 1998)
  • “Norbert Leisegang and his boys arrived in the 90s. At last. (...) 'It was like jumping into cold water', says Norbert Leisegang. 'We were amazed when we saw that it took Plasa three days to get all of his computers up and running.' No problem. Because: 'Musically we were on the same wave.' (...) Plasas computers do not destroy, but raise them to a new level [...] ”(Stefan Henseke in Berliner Kurier on May 18, 1998)
  • "She flopped." Norbert Leisegang admits it frankly. Briefly and without comment. What is meant is the latest CD, which is now almost a year under its belt: "In the electromagnetic field". What the hell. He still stands by it, defiant or not, he likes it. And many who have gone through a drastic change, 'lost a partner or a job or whatever, also guaranteed'. [...] 'We were faced with a decision, we had to do something new, we couldn't deliver the same thing over and over again. "
  • Leisegang: “Up until now we had played a kind of muesli chanson rock'n'roll. That was over because we had other musical ideas in the meantime. Plasa came to us because he was expanding our approaches differently. That means we called him. Working with him is not without problems. There is incredible controversy because he's kind of unscrupulous. But music develops out of such controversies. In this respect, our nose for being able to work with Plasa as a producer on several albums was correct. ”(Norbert Leisegang in an interview with“ teleschau ”on

Track list

  1. Light up the avant-garde - 2:08
  2. Comic book heroes - 4:13
  3. Tell me about yourself - 3:42
  4. Separate Ways - 4:02
  5. Salute - 3:25
  6. Bcego Xopoшeгo (BH) - 3:48
  7. In Love - 4:10
  8. Half-men - 3:43
  9. Yesterday - 5:04
  10. The projectile - 3:52
  11. I surrender - 5:37
  12. Reprise - 1:59

Individual evidence

  1. Chart tracking ( memento of the original from September 30, 2005 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. on @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. Monika Berger-Lenz in an interview with Norbert Leisegang in FAKTuell - the online newspaper of September 20, 1999 ( Memento of the original of October 25, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /