Imre Dögei

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Imre Dögei (born June 24, 1912 in Törökszentmiklós , Törökszentmiklós small area , Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county ; † January 16, 1964 in Budapest ) was a Hungarian politician of the Hungarian Socialist Workers Party MSZMP (Magyar Szocialista Munkáspárt , among others ) , May 1951 to August 14, 1952 President of the Parliament (Országgyűlés) and 1956 to 1960 Minister of Agriculture of the Hungarian People's Republic .


Member of Parliament and Speaker of Parliament

Dögei, who came from a farming family, attended elementary school for five years and then worked as a farmer, farm worker and worker in a factory for agricultural machinery. In 1944 he joined the then Hungarian Communist Party MKP (Magyar Kommunista Párt) and in 1945 was one of the supporters of the land reform demanded by the MKP. On November 4, 1945 he ran for the MKP list in Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county for a seat in parliament (Országgyűlés) . In 1946 he became a member of the party committee in Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county and in September 1946 general secretary of the National Association of Workers and Peasants DÉFOSZ (Dolgozó Parasztok és Földmunkások Országos Szövetségének) , of which he became chairman in December 1948. On October 1, 1946, after attending the MKP party school, he was initially a candidate for the MKP's Central Committee (ZK). On August 31, 1947, he became a member of parliament for the first time, to which he was a member until June 9, 1962. He represented the interests of Somogy County in parliament for the joint list of the Hungarian Independent Popular Front MFN (Magyar Függetlenségi Népfront) and the Patriotic Popular Front HNF (Hazafias Népfront) .

After the merger of the Hungarian Social Democratic Party MSZDP (Magyarországi Szociáldemokrata Párt) with the Hungarian Communist Party MKP (Magyar Kommunista Párt) to form the Party of Hungarian Working People MDP (Magyar Dolgozók Pártja) , he became a member of the Central Committee of the MDP on June 15, 1948. In 1949 he attended the party school of the MDP. From August 1949 to the summer of 1951 he served as President of the National Association of Cooperatives SZÖVOSZ (Szövetkezetek Országos Szövetségének) .

As the successor to Lajos Drahos Dögei became President of the National Assembly on May 18, 1951 and held the post of President of Parliament until August 14, 1952, after which he was replaced by Sándor Rónai .

Minister of Agriculture and expulsion from the party

On April 12, 1954, he assumed the role of President of the National Council of Agricultural Cooperatives and was also a member of the Presidium of the MDP between 1954 and 1956 and, in November 1956, during the popular uprising, for a few days a member of the Provisional Central Executive of the Hungarian Socialist Workers' Party, which emerged from the MDP MSZMP (Magyar Szocialista Munkáspárt) . On November 4, 1956, he was appointed to the " Hungarian Revolutionary Workers 'and Peasants' Government " formed by Prime Minister János Kádár and took over the post of Minister of Agriculture (Földművelésügyi miniszter) , which he held until he was replaced by Pál Losonczi on January 15, 1960 held.

Shortly before leaving the government, Dögei was appointed ambassador to the People's Republic of China on January 5, 1960 as the successor to Sándor Nógrádi and, as such, to the Democratic Republic of Vietnam . After he was expelled as a member of the MSZMP Central Committee on February 12, 1960 because of “sectarian and anti-party aspirations”, he was no longer allowed to take up this diplomatic post. On June 10, 1960, the appointments as ambassador were withdrawn. On January 9, 1962, he was finally expelled from the MSZMP.

Web links

  • Entry in Történelmi Tár (Hungarian)
  • Entry in the Magyar életrajzi lexicon