Ingrid Hönlinger

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Ingrid Hönlinger (2013)

Ingrid Hönlinger (born August 17, 1964 in Ludwigsburg ) is a German politician ( Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen ) from Ludwigsburg. In the 17th electoral term she was a member of the German Bundestag .

Education and private matters

After graduating from high school in Ludwigsburg in 1983, Hönlinger studied law at the University of Passau and the Albert Ludwigs University of Freiburg until 1989 . This was followed by a three-year legal traineeship at the Heilbronn Regional Court and internships in London , Strasbourg and Brussels . She has been an independent lawyer since 1992, and has had her own law firm since 2001.

Hönlinger is married to Siegfried Rapp .

Political career

Hönlinger has been a member of the Greens since 2005. In the period from 2005 to 2010 she held various party offices. In the 2009 federal election she ran in the Ludwigsburg constituency . It received 15.6% of the first votes and entered the Bundestag at number 9 on the list. Her focus was on democracy, legal politics, human rights and Latin America.

In the Bundestag she had the following areas of responsibility: spokeswoman for democracy politics, deputy political coordinator of working group 3 of the Bundestag faction ALLIANCE 90 / THE GREENS, member and chairwoman of the legal committee, deputy member of the committee for human rights and humanitarian aid, deputy member of the interior committee, deputy Member of the electoral review committee, member of the European law subcommittee, chairman of the German-South American parliamentary group, vice chairman of the German-Spanish parliamentary group, member of the German-Brazilian parliamentary group, member of the German-Mexican and German-Central American parliamentary group.

In 2014, the Argentine President, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner , awarded her the "Orden de Mayo". The May Orden is an award that was created in 1946. The Argentine Republic awards it to people who, with their efforts, contribute to progress, well-being, culture and good understanding as well as international solidarity. It owes its name to the May Revolution of 1810. The Grand Master of the order is the President of the State.

In 2016, she was elected almost unanimously by the Green members to run again for the Bundestag in 2017.


Hönlinger is chairwoman of RechtGrün - Association for green and green-related lawyers and member of the board of the support association Zentrale Stelle. She is a member of Amnesty International, More Democracy, Network Integration, Asylum Working Group Baden-Württemberg, BUND, ADFC, VCD and the European Union parliamentary group of the German Bundestag .

Web links

Commons : Ingrid Hönlinger  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Bietigheimer Zeitung: Award for Hönlinger , December 29, 2014.
  2. Stuttgarter Nachrichten, Stuttgart, Germany: Bundestag candidates in the Ludwigsburg district: Greens nominate Ingrid Hönlinger . In: . ( [accessed July 1, 2017]).