Siegfried Rapp

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Siegfried Rapp (2020)

Siegfried Rapp (born May 3, 1952 in Echterdingen ) is a German institute and publishing company founder, author, publisher and honorary consul . Rapp is mediator and founder and head of LIKOM - Ludwigsburg Institute for Conflict Management, Mediation and Seminars. Since March 2014 he has been representing the Republic of Ecuador in Baden-Württemberg as honorary consul, based in Ludwigsburg .


After graduating from Paracelsus-Gymnasium in Stuttgart Plieningen in 1972, Rapp completed the basic secondary school teacher studies (German and Protestant theology) at the Ludwigsburg University of Education . After two years of teaching practice at the differentiated and integrative comprehensive school in Stuttgart-Neugereut, he took a five-year leave of absence. During this time, Rapp completed the adult education diploma course at the Ludwigsburg University of Education. As part of this second degree, he spent a year in Nicaragua in 1984 to write his later published diploma thesis in the capital Managua at Ernesto Cardenal's Ministry of Culture .

This was followed by seven years of teaching at the comprehensive school in Stuttgart-Neugereut. Afterwards, Rapp was delegated to the Volkshochschule Ludwigsburg for ten years as a department head as part of the teacher program to professionalize the adult education centers. He then decided to start training as a mediator and successfully completed it in 2002. Since then, Rapp has been working independently as a mediator. In September 2004 the LIKOM - Ludwigsburg Institute for Conflict Management, Mediation and Seminars - was founded.

Since 1977 Rapp has spent a variety of study and project stays in Latin America , from Mexico to Tierra del Fuego . On March 19, 2014 he was appointed Honorary Consul of the Republic of Ecuador in Baden-Württemberg . On Rapp's initiative as honorary consul, Ludwigsburg founded an official climate partnership with the fourth largest city in Ecuador, Ambato , in 2017. In 2019 he was awarded the title "Honorary Citizen of Ambato".

Activities of the mediation institute LIKOM

Processing of more than 40,000 mediation cases with telephone or face-to-face mediation. Since 2019 LIKOM has been the official "Registration and Trust Center for Amnesty International Section Germany".


Rapp has two children and is married to the lawyer and former member of the Bundestag Ingrid Hönlinger .


Rapp was a member of the Ludwigsburg municipal council from 2004 to 2010 . He has been a member of the Bundesverband Mediation eV since 2007 and was a member of the arbitration team of Amnesty International Germany from 2007 to 2017 . In 2020 he was a founding member of the "German-Ecuadorian Society eV" (DEG).


as an author

as editor

Web links


  • Love for the country turns into a diplomatic job. SZ, November 12, 2013 online
  • Two cities, one goal: climate protection. Bietigheimer Zeitung, September 15, 2018 online
  • Honorary Consul is now an honorary citizen. VTS, March 28, 2019 online

Individual evidence

  1. Stuttgarter Zeitung, Stuttgart Germany: Ludwigsburg: Love for the country becomes a diplomatic job. November 12, 2013, accessed July 29, 2020 .
  2. ^ Südwest Presse Online-Dienst GmbH: Ludwigsburg: Two cities, one goal: climate protection. September 15, 2018, accessed July 30, 2020 .
  3. Honorary Consul is now an honorary citizen. In: Vaihinger Kreiszeitung. March 27, 2019, accessed on July 30, 2020 (German).