Ingrid Kraushaar

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Ingrid Kraushaar (born August 24, 1944 in Dingelstädt ) is a former German CDU politician . She was a member of the Thuringian state parliament in the third electoral period 1999-2004 .


After graduating from high school in Heiligenstadt in 1962, Kraushaar learned the trade of a technical draftsman and obtained the skilled worker qualification in 1963. This was followed by a degree in human medicine at the Karl Marx University in Leipzig , which she received in 1969 as a Dr. med. completed. The specialist training to become a pediatrician followed by 1974 . Kraushaar practiced this profession until 1987 at the Heiligenstadt-Leinefelde Polyclinic . From 1987 to 1999 she was an EU pensioner . From 1990 to 1994 Kraushaar completed a law degree at the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen . From 1997 to 1999 she was a lecturer in paediatrics at the higher vocational school for physiotherapy in Heiligenstadt.

In 1992 Kraushaar joined the CDU , from 1999 to 2004 she was a member of the Thuringian state parliament.

Kraushaar lives in Kreuzebra . She is Catholic, single and childless.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Thuringian Landtag: Handbook 3rd electoral period. 3rd edition, Erfurt 2003, p. 365. ISBN 3-86180-091-8